How does west side drug test?

A month ago I was having a hard time with so problems I was having at home anyway a friend of mine gave me a few hits of weed.

I realize this was a horrible horrible mistake and I should have never done it but I got a job at west side and I really need this job incredibly bad.

I'm not the type of person to make mistakes like this but I want to know if they will test my hair because my record is clean I don't want a fail on it.

Some one please help me I realize this was a mistake and my fault in the first place

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Dec 08, 2016
What did you find out? NEW
by: shaun

I understand people do dumb stuff.. I hate peope that say dumb stuff like i wouldn't want you on the road with me, then they shouldnt be truck driver. Did you find out what kind of drug test they do? please let me know and good luck out there..

Nov 07, 2016
loser NEW
by: Anonymous

I sure as fuck wouldn't want you driving anywhere around me or my family in a semi.

Sep 02, 2015
essay writers NEW
by: Anonymous

I guess it won't show up. As you said you are not that type of guy and you don't use weed regularly. I guess it's going to be fine. If you had weed around ten days or more before, test it won't show up anything I guess. So best of luck for your test.

Aug 08, 2015
Coping With Problems
by: Hervy

I don't know what type of test they do. About hitting the weed due to having problems though, I suggest you develop a good coping mechanism. What will you do the next time?

Just a word of advice. So Google ways to cope with problems. That result will give you some great ideas for the next time.

As you can see, some coping mechanisms on cause more problems. So yes, it is not what you asked however, it was important enough to mention in case you didn't look at it that way and also so that other readers would consider it.

As far as worrying about testing positive. I would find out from a doctor how long you should wait for it to be out of your system. It might be the case that if you don't smoke other than that hit, it won't show up. I have no idea, but i am sure the Dr. would have a professional opinion.

Best of luck man and thanks for being patient with my response.

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