How does training work?

by Em

Me and my fiance are going to go to the Road Master school in Arkansas for our cdls. The lady there said the company we choose has its own training.

So my question is, How long and how does the company's training work? How long will we be on the road and how long will the training last?

I know that it will vary with each company and my abilities, so a rough estimate will do just fine.

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Aug 11, 2012
will they pay back my training
by: Anonymous


Whats the company name and will they pay back my cdl training?

Aug 11, 2012
training for coast to coast team driving
by: Anonymous

I you come to work for the company that I recruit for, we can have you both driving together as a team in less than a month. we specialise in going from the south east to the west coast and back.
We have electronic logs and most of our trucks are autoshift.

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