How can I get a job driving only in the state of Texas and I'm a recent CDL school graduate?

by Billy
(Houston,TX. USA)

I am trying to find a truck driving job driving all of Texas because I can not leave the state. On parole. One year remaining. This happened 19years ago.

I just graduated from CR England's truck driving. Did not stay with the company because they are liars, and they will try and force you to lease. Lease or leave.

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Jun 12, 2023
Finding a local Texas Truck Driving job
by: Hervy

Here are some steps that will help you find a local truck driving job. I never heard of Cr England making it mandatory for you to lease.

Make sure you heard that right from them. Speak to someone else there above the person who told you that.

Local Texas Truck Driving jobs

Local Texas Truck driving jobs for Texas. Regional trucking jobs or jobs at smaller trucking companies might be ideal for you as well.

How to find high paying local truck driving jobs

Sep 26, 2011
Trucking in the state of Texas
by: Anonymous

Check with one of the many water hauling companies where the oil field is booming right now. The bigger ones might balk at the parole thing but there are a lot of smaller operators with less than 20 trucks or so and I think if you have a pulse and can pass a pee test you can get on.

You will need a tanker endorsement but thats is only 20 question test and another $10 (I think). Pay has been ranging from $14-$18 and work as many hours as you can stand.

Sep 25, 2011
Network, network, network some company near you needs a truck driver
by: Hervy

I see a lot of trucking companies hiring CDL drivers on billboard signs out there in Texas Billy. keep your eyes open.

Other than that, just do a lot of networking and talking to people you see delivering at local stores. Local distribution companies or furniture delivery companies like Roomstore or Conn's may need drivers.

I am sure you already know, it's not so easy to find a intrastate trucking job but especially with no experience and on probation.

That being said, depending on where you live and who you meet and what the needs of the companies are around you, you just never know until you get out there and beat the pavement.

Best of luck,

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