Hendrickson Trucking out of Sacramento, CA

by Karl Barbano
(White Hills, AZ)

Any good or bad about Hendrickson Trucking out of Sacramento? They called me about lease/purchase program for my wife and I team. They sound good, but then again all recruiters do!

Comments for Hendrickson Trucking out of Sacramento, CA

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Dec 10, 2016
Stsy Away NEW
by: No more honor killings

This is one of the companies I've ever worked for. IF you like being taunted, toyed with, and taken advantage of, this company will more than do it. They will destroy your career just to be assholes. They tried it with me.

Oct 01, 2014
Hendrickson NEW
by: Anonymous

Some of the worst crapiest trucks I have ever seen. They are making good money off their UPS, Fedex, and Amazon loads.
but the owner must be stashing the profit off shore or something. Teaming I can do 5000 miles a week and net $1000 plus a week. 52 cent split.
but the trucks are all broke down. hmmm. in the last month my volvo needed an air conditioner blower, a new steering box, a fuel tank, had a short on the batteries,
my advice, stay away,

May 22, 2014
Good place to work NEW
by: Current employee

Hendrickson Trucking is a good place to work, for those who enjoy working. The drivers get .40/mile solo and a lot of miles. I myself started in payroll and I understand the company used to be understaffed but they have resolved that problem. Why we dont get holidays off or holiday pay its still ok, just glad to be working here.

Jun 12, 2013
by: Anonymous

I've worked for this company, what I learned in the short time I was there, at that time they would take advantage of your inexperience of lease purchase dynamics, definitely predatory.
I see my short time there as a learning experience, as to how thoroughly one can be exploited without knowledge. I'll agree, as previously stated, consultation with transportation/busines atty is advised.
My current understanding is that they terminated lease purchase, the staff quit, and as a result :

Sacramento County Superior Court Case No. 34-2011-00103314
This case involves employees who allege they were improperly classified as independent contractors, improperly paid and missed meal and rest breaks.

Sep 10, 2012
pack of liars
by: Anonymous

I work for Hendrickson for over a year and seen very little good in the company. When the day came that i finally quit they tried to scare me into staying with them by threatening my dac but thats why we have attorneys.

They have a lousy maintenance program and old wore out equipment the only new trucks they have cant leave the state of California and they are the dirtiest trucks ever there turnover rate is unbelievable.

most drivers dont even get out of the orientation room before they quit. there reputation has become so bad that they will hire anybody who can hold a steering wheel because all the real drivers out here know to stay away from them. its really a shame because they could be a great company if they had an office staff that knew how to run a company.

They also dont tell you that when you hire on you will be working for a temp agency called people lease they say they only handle the payroll but that's a lie anyways just beware get the facts before you make a mistake.

Oct 26, 2011
by: shitt'n of yall

you guys are all clowns! if you knew how to drive a truck and STOP bitching about everything. you would make money, and if your bitching then you NOT a real truck driver... if you cant afford a lease then it sounds like your going to have a life time of being a company driver.. there is plenty of company's out there that people think is going under but he must be doing ok if its still up AND GOING strong with 20 something BRAND new trucks. and a stocked shop with YEARS of experiences, the only reason driver's bitch about the shop is because, YOU acted like a dick to the mechanics and they dragged there feet on you repair. AND you lost money and miles because of you attitude.. so before you start pointing blame look at what you did or what u said or what you fucked up on. stop pointing blame and do what you were hired to do! the end-

Jan 20, 2011
LP drivers run
by: Anonymous

Do Not Work for them! Do not even consider it,
i am currently with this shit hole for now and in less than 24 hrs i will NOT BE ! my ass is hung out to dry and broke! i've sat for 5 days now, found out there getting equipment repo'd so yeah run like hell for the hills. they will not last and are finding it harder to get drivers on board bad rep. and we do talk so word is spreading. DON'T DO IT!

Jan 19, 2011
by: Karl

Jeff- Thank you for your thoughts and warnings...the only problem is,like it seems with A LOT of truckers on this site asking questions, I have a spotty record, a few other problems,and I have been off the road for 3 years and no one will give me a chance. I am a damn good driver as is my wife, and still no one will realize we all make mistakes and it doesn't make us a bad person or a poor risk.

I came off the road to care for my terminally ill mother until she died, not because I had to. My wife drove solo for another year, and that is the only reason even THEY would hire us! So I figured if nothing else, we could hang on for a while and make a little money, and if they cant keep us running, then at least we have a little recent experience and a walk-away lease.

Really appreciate the input, though, we could never find out anything from anybody before this site! Karl

Jan 19, 2011
Lease Purchase Program
by: Jeff

My dad spent three years with Hendrickson Trucking (Sacramento). More of their lease operators are going broke than making a living. Since Ward, he's the son of the owner, took over the company a few years ago, he has been doing a very good job running the company into the ground.

We are very surprised that Hendrickson has not gone belly up yet. The shop is a joke. If you lease one of their trucks, chances are you will get a truck that may or may not look good, but it will for sure have had it's share of shop time and very close to being run into the ground.

They do offer a walk away lease. A lot of their lease operators use this option when they find out how few miles they will really get and how much down time they will have. My dad spent more time sitting at home or in truck stops than he has with any other company he has been with in his fourty plus years on the road.

However you never know. Hendrickson may be the right fit for you, but most of their lease operators find that they cannot afford to complete the lease term. I pray the best for you where ever you end up.

Be sure to get a copy of the lease and have it looked over by a transportation lawyer, before you sign a lease with any company. Keep us updated.

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