He Still Doesn't Know I Found Him Out

by trucker wife
(Florida USA)

18 years; being a Faithful to the same man for 28 years is easy for me....yet mis trust started when he,made a call (was suspicious about a name in his phone so I edited the name from that name an put mine as it) He got a trip to California...we live in Fl. 20 minutes after he pulled out of our drive way I got a call from him sayn cant wait to pick you up I've missed you since I dropped you off, lookn forward to you being in truck with me, an my job still doesnt no ur not my wife. So all is good! see you in half hour at Pilot.

So since then he still doesn't know I found him out....an he broke my Heart, for a lot lizard. Taken the lizard across country. I TOLD HIS job though. He was fired he lied to company.

He still wont (tell) me why .....but I know why he was fired ;) So husbands beware, us wives are not naive. Jus smart not to believe 80% of crapp that flows out of ur mouth to ur children and wives.

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Apr 08, 2015
Pilot Employees / Meeting Place NEW
by: Anonymous

Everything happens at these stupid pilots.its ither the female employees or that's where everyone meets up.Those truck stops are worse than strip clubs.Doesnt help that they hire a bunch of single mom's looking for sugar daddys.

Mar 07, 2015
once NEW
by: Anonymous

once vows are broken so be the relationship. living in a broken relationship will never be the same.

Mar 07, 2015
About Moving Forward
by: Hervy

Wow, must be frustrating for you. Thanks for sharing. I know some will be angry. There are many ways a person can choose to look at this.

I just hope the lessons are picked up by readers.

I also hope that things will work out for you. It's obviously a challenging journey that you are on.

You have to really take a big picture look at the situation and decide in what ways you can improve the relationship.

What you are able to do depends on where he is in maturity and character. If it were me in your shoes I would see a marriage counselor or do a lot of studying.

I don't think you should do nothing or play it by ear. You should have a plan founded by known information about human behavior. So this means either you do a lot of studying or again talking to an experienced counselor.

Those thoughts are for someone who wants to make it work. Not for a person who doesn't care about salvaging the relationship.

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