Having All The Space You Need, in a Nutshell

by Helonwheels

For many years I carried on with bad relationships and I could not figure out why I could not stay in a relationship? Until I gave up and just went it alone.

This was the life for me being alone, no bothersome men in my life and I had so much fun! Then of course bills began to pile up and I had to spend more time at home and less fun.

So, I did the roommate thing and about every 3 months I was kicking them out, they just could not live up to "MY" standards. Oh, I'm also picky and naggy when I live with people.

Then I had the ole "Aha" moment, it wasn't other people who were the problem, it was me!!! OK, yes I sought out help and realized I am a person who needs a lot of space.

Well, the years were piling up on me and I did not want to be alone anymore, I went man hunting of course! :) I ran into a guy who liked the same things as me hobby's etc.. He had been a truck driver for more than 20 years at that point.

Then it clicked, he is use to the road, he is use to doing things for himself, he doesn't mind being away from home, kids are all grown up (both of ours). I thought to myself this is a perfect match and I can have all the space I need if I stay with this man and to boot he totally understood my "space" issues.

Boy, am I lucky and never again will I have to tell a man "Hey just leave me alone I need my space!"

I have plenty now! :)

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Jun 07, 2021
In a Nutshell
by: HelonWheels

Wow its been 9 years since I wrote this post! I'm glad I did. Its been all good since this time has been rolling and I'm very grateful for life. Since that time I realized life can be as normal as the next person's in the life of a trucker. We never forget each others birthdays or any little anniversary that grew along the way so cute to have a hubby who doesn't forget the importance of it all. How many women can say that who don't live a truckers lifestyle. Wishing you all a happy truckers life!

Jun 12, 2012
Hi Suzy! NEW
by: Helonwheels

Please to meet you! Exactly why I posted my page, I wanted to make sure I wasn't alone in my own ways.

Well I know there are more people that have the same humanly issues that I do it is comforting to know someone agrees! :)

I am glad you absorbed what I had to say and that you liked it. Well now that makes 2 of us, lets see how many more there are out there!! LOL!!

Hope to hear more "real" stories out there!

Have a nice week and hope to hear from you soon!

Helonwheels :)

Jun 11, 2012
My Kindred Sister NEW
by: Suzy Kabloozy

Wow, I could have written this post myself. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way. I always figured it was better to have them gone and missing them, than to have then around and wish they weren't.

I like the advice you give and hope to get to know you better.

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