Hard life of a trucker's g/f

by mememe

I am a 29 y/o mother of 1, I started dating my b/f almost 2 years ago. He is a flat bed driver and loves his work.I have been on the road with him a few times and have done everything but drive the truck. I have heard that truckers a normally pretty hard to get along with exp. for long periods of time.. This so far proves to be true with mine.

I love him to death and have tried to keep him involved in every aspect with whats going on at home as much as I can and still never seems to be enough. I know my man loves me but boy does he get upset easy and I seems to always push his buttons without trying..

It is super stressful for me and I don't think he sees or understands where I'm coming from most of the time. Any advice on how to get him to be a bit more supportive of what I do at home...

I pay all the bills take care of my 10 year old the house and cars and animals plus I deal with his appointments and his wife( they been separated for 10years) and his teenage son. I have dealt with her trying to get him back and have not said one word to her about it.. She is his son's mom and has had strokes and isn't in the best health. I have picked them up and taken them places and what I really want to do is have him take her to court and get his son and punch her in the face..

I also deal with all his family functions with out him and my one kid isn't his btw.. I do have a part time job at a daycare I don't get near enough hours and I have to deal with my over dramatized ex when he decides to call or have something to do with my kid..

My b/f wonders why I'm stressed.. Not to mention I have to take care of my mom's yard for her and I have a sick uncle and trying to have a baby with p.s.o.s. and not having luck with that cuz i can't lose weight to help it cuz its got my hormones all out of messed up and my b/f is only home every other weekend..

But everything I do he expects me to be on the phone with him and do and I just can't stand it!! AAAAHHHH ok Its not just wives out there whom deal with this.. If we was married would make things easier on me a lil cuz I have to jump through hoops to handle things for him.

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Aug 31, 2014
I totally understand.
by: Ashley

My husband and I just got married in June. But we have been through many of these same things. Including still trying to have a baby. He wants another baby so bad, our daughter is 13 months old now and we have used no birth control since her birth. Alot of it is probably stress.

It's not a walk in the park. My husband has been an OTR driver since January. And many times I feel so alone at home. I also have 2 older kids from a previous relationship.

Dealing with the kids, bills, my job now as well. It's a lot for the momma's out there. Especially with other family member wanting and needing your attention too. I wish I had better advice for you.

My husband and I are still working on fixing the arguments we get in over little things. And he brought it to my attention that it doesn't make things better when I accuse him of being on a vacation from the everyday problems I face at home.

Which is really messed up on my part. But sometimes it feels that way I know. But I have gone on the road with him twice now. And I see that he does stay busy, especially being a flat bed driver.

Just hang in there, and talk through things. Even when we get into bigger arguments, and it sucks horribly. We almost walk away from that argument with a better understanding of each other and where they are coming from.

I'm sorry your going through such a tough time. I hope things get easier for you soon.

Best wishes!

Aug 29, 2014
Why are you trying to get pregnant?
by: Anonymous

and you are trying to get pregnant and why?? all this complaining and you are trying to get pregnant makes no sense at all!!!!

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