found a letter in his brief case

by Lynn

I am a truckers wife and I found a letter in his brief case and here it is.

LIKE THAT YES!!!! seemed A BIT STRANGE BUT THAT IS THE WAY WE LIKE IT.I feel bad as I showed you no respect. I am not like that at home. I hardly ever see my wife as she is out and about doing her own thing which is ok with me.

I lead a very private and lonely life. I do not mix with many people. You probably think I have girlfriends all over.

Wow her I am pouring my heart out to you and you do not even know my name. My name is _____ and yes I am old. I was just wondering if there is any possibility of us getting closer. I will never know if I do not ask. But no pressure. If there is a possibility please let me know as all I have is my phone so call or text 04________ signed ________ and Thank you.

And my husband says it is written to me. Oh my god talk about treating me like I am stupid. So what do you people think.

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Oct 25, 2013
reply NEW
by: lynn

Well the way it is written Seemed a bit strange but that is the way we like it. Then not knowing his name sounds to me like he has slept with this person more than once and it is probably a lot lizard at a truckstop that much I think is right. He tried to tell me that he wrote it to me and I told him you would rather lie than to save this marriage. Well you know the outcome to that as I Hate Liars Cheats and men that beat women.. I told him to go back to her and hope that she was worth it, seems like an expensive piece of tail to me. If he cheated on me he will cheat on her , boy she must be stupid. Anyway thank you for your replies.

Oct 24, 2013
something to think about NEW
by: Anonymous

"I hardly ever see my wife as she is out and about doing her own thing which is ok with me".

This is the part of the letter that proves it was not meant for you to read but for someone else too. And I mean someone else it could be another female or MALE....

It doesnt sound sexy enough to be another woman??

think about it??? there are a lot of gay drivers out there on the roads!!!

Oct 24, 2013
So sorry! NEW
by: Anonymous

You poor dear! I'm so sorry you are going through that and isn't it funny how they always try and lie their way out of it when they are caught red handed.
Leave his sorry ass!
I'm sure it's written to a clerk or waitress at a truck stop.
What a jerk!

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