first time as a truckers wife

by tasha cottrell
(Buchanan Tn)

my husband just started driving truck for the first time. at first I was mad at him for wanting to be a trucker but I put my feeling aside and told him good luck. it is hard being away from him. but I have told him time after time just remember you do have a wife at home.

I do cry when I think about him being on that open road but this is his dream and I will stand behind him all the way. he isn't alone God is with him every step of the way and he is with me also. I just keep praying that he will come home safe.

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Sep 02, 2015
First time NEW
by: Anonymous

Hang in there. It gets easier as time goes by. My husband and my son both long haul. My son tells me it's not a job... It's a lifestyle. Never thought of it that way before. I recently had an opportunity to go on the road with my husband. It was an unforgettable experience. I plan to do it again. I have a renewed sense of pride.

Aug 03, 2015
You're not alone! NEW
by: Addie

Welcome to this crazy life :)
Like you, my husband became a trucker recently (about 6 mos ago) and I went through some similar emotions. I hated the idea of him being away, leaving me alone, but I knew this was something he'd wanted to do for a long time. I realized I had a choice; I could either be the bitter wife or the supportive one. I watched my mother be a bitter wife and it get her no where. I wanted to be a wife my husband could be proud to have, so I was determined to find a way to be strong, supportive and optimistic in the face of a very unfamiliar and unappealing life change.
You are not alone! There are wonderful support networks out there! You will have many rough days, but you will learn a lot about yourself, your husband and your marriage. While this can be a challenging lifestyle, it can also be very rewarding!
One of the best support networks I have found so far is a Facebook group named Sisterhood of Trucker Wives & Girlfriends. It is a fabulous group of ladies, many new to this life like yourself, and have been a wonderful source of encouragement.
Keep your chin up! ;)

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