Fired for too many points. Can I win my unemployment appeal?

by Elvis melendez

I was let go because they switched to a new insurance company's and the new one would not insure me because I had too many points. The old insurance would though.

Can I win my unemployment appeal?

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May 02, 2013
from my last post
by: Anonymous

it sounds like the owner was partly to blame for the trucks issue however did you know the items were broken and did you report this to the company in an adequate amount of time? So if some of the problems are partly yours and partly the companies you should not be the one to bare the burden totally and express this to the judge at the appeal hearing...the employer seems to be at fault as must stand up and voice your opinion (use common sense and keep composure) while you state the facts at the hearing and even though you may be partly at fault so is the employer and this is a determining factor as to why you should be able to draw your unemployment.

May 02, 2013
by: Anonymous

Actually 1 and a half points were given on a fix it ticket on one of the company trucks! I am fighting that in court next week because it was a fix it ticket, another point was for speeding 5 miles over speed limit and the trucks speedometer was broken!

May 02, 2013
it is possible
by: Anonymous

they usually give it to the person on the appeal level....usually doesn't make it for sure....hardship may work if you plea with the judge and if you can prove you did not intentionally or deliberately try to get tickets to bring harm to the company....but can I ask why you would get so many tickets that it would effect your livelihood? I ask because you have to see it from their point of view.

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