Fired during OTR Training

Fired in CDL Training

Fired in CDL Training

I was fired during my training period because I received a traffic warning citation. I had a lead driver with me and he didn't tell me I had to report the traffic warning citation to headquarters within an allotted time frame.

Now I have to pay for training and the company's lawyer has added an additional 2k for their service. Need advice to get this matter solved without having to pay the training back

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Feb 08, 2017
Getting out of paying trucking company
by: Hervy

I don't know if you can get out of it. This is a matter for an attorney.

If the contract says that you should report an citation in a certain amount of time and to not do so is grounds for termination then you probably don't have much recourse for a different outcome.

An attorney is the best person to address this situation.

Feb 08, 2017
Getting out of paying trucking company
by: Hervy

I don't know if you can get out of it. This is a matter for an attorney.

If the contract says that you should report an citation in a certain amount of time and to not do so is grounds for termination then you probably don't have much recourse for a different outcome.

An attorney is the best person to address this situation.

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