Failed drug test at non driving job

by Corey
(Alexandria la)

I failed a drug test at a welding manufacture 2 years ago. I was not terminated, I just had to go to 6 weeks of therapy and was randomly drug tested for 2 years after the offense.

Now I am interested in getting my CDL and starting my career. Does this non dot/Dac failed drug test affect my chances of getting hired? One company I applied for I told them I failed a drug test, but was never given the chance to explain when and where and the specifics...

If I had not said anything about it, would they have even been able to find out about it if I hadn't said anything?? Everything I have read is about failing dot drug tests.

Nothing about failing a test that is not dot and not getting fired for it. Please help!

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Oct 31, 2015
Some companies ask...
by: Anonymous

...throughout their applications a bazillion questions about drug testing, failed, refused, etc.

Other companies dont ask anything

Most companies just follow DOT 5 panel procedures instead of 10 panel or saliva, hair follicle testing

they use "ammoung" protocols.... ng's per dl (nanograms per deciliter)

You prob failed for weed. Companies will sometimes allow you rehab, but thats if you are a good employee and this is a random pool

on a pre-employment, I'm not gonna lie. It will be a problem.

I could tell you a lot more about the 5 panel, but I'll leave it at that.


They know that if you are involved in an accident and it isnt your fault that you could easily become liable and guilty because of your past, also because they knew about your past and took a chance.

Good attorneys can flip shit like you would NOT believe, even in the most blatant NO FAULT situations, and your failure on a drug screen will be gasoline for the fire.

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