DUI .is on the record and it is supposed to be off

by Anthony Henry jr
(New Britain )

I have a one year old DUI I applied at a company and they said they couldn't hire me because I have two suspension and the recruiter said my DUI was not on my MVR.

So my question is if it's not on my MVR what shall I do. I do know I took a program for the DUI to be off my criminal record

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Sep 19, 2012
I cant wait 2 get on the road again
by: Mr. Truesdale

i had a brief trucking job with transam trucking i started my career as a owner operator. I was able to see all the sights of places i never been before.

I got out as far west as Colorado and for some who is from North Carolina that was an enormous amount of traveling I made upwards of $1000.00 in a week one week I drove 3000 miles for my first truck driving 9 till 5 I excelled tremendously.

Sep 18, 2012
by: Anonymous

A dui will stay on you record for ten years. You can appeal, but luck.

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