DOT violation question

by Scott
(Virginia, USA)

My driver side window is not going down because the switch is broken. Is that a DOT violation?

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Jun 03, 2019
thanks for that NEW
by: Anonymous

for the first two answers that didnt answer the question thanks for al the crappy reading

Apr 07, 2016
pre trip NEW
by: Anonymous

Properly mounted and secure cracked not or broken needs to be replaced no autable airleaks

In your pretrip you look at the front of the tractor your looking for leans, marker lights properly mounted and secure amber in color make sure there working and clean

Ect that goes with your windows some weigh stations you have to
roll down your window to tell you you can go back on the highway

All the truckers that dont so a pre trip inspection or a pm or even mantance
well its a dot vilition and your looking to get cault its a 350.00 fine just for a log volition i would hate to see how much a ticket for having a unsafe truck and that goes agents you and the company

Apr 04, 2016
I think you should get it repaired... NEW
by: Anonymous

There are a number of things that you just have to roll your window down for... granted, you wont be going through a drive-through

It is not safe to operate your vehicle while the windows don’t work. It doesn’t matter if one or more windows have completely stopped working or if they operate intermittently. It is not safe to drive with broken windows.

Your windows are an emergency exit. In the case of an accident, you need to be able to open the window to exit if it is the only viable option. Doors can easily jam shut when impacted while windows will either shatter or remain intact. If the window glass is not broken and the door is jammed, it is imperative that the window can open. If not, you may be trapped inside your vehicle.

Your window may also need to be opened if the air quality is poor. If your vehicle is not in pristine condition such as a rust hole in the floorboard or weatherstrips that are torn, it may be possible for exhaust gases to enter the car’s cabin. Exhaust can cause toxic effects that can make you nauseous, lightheaded, or cause you to pass out. Rolling down the window lets in fresh air to combat the effects of poor air quality.

Apr 04, 2016
Nope NEW
by: Anonymous


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