Don't mind him being gone 3 days but for is too much

by Rebecca Lee

I've been with my partner a while now and we live together. I love him with the whole of my soul but wish he wish he would come home at least one day during the week more than the weekends.

I cant wait to marry him and he is such a decent guy but when hes gone im alone with my daughter and its so lonely with nobody to talk to.

I don't mind him gone 3 days tho but 4 is just too much :(

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Jul 01, 2015
Count your blessings! NEW
by: Thalia

I long for the day that my husband is only gone 4 days a week, which will hopefully be in November. He left a week ago and will be gone until August. Count your blessings, you are one of the lucky ones!

Apr 08, 2015
you dont have to be lonely NEW
by: Anonymous

there are plenty of people you can talk this your choice to talk to no one else while he is away? cause if it is you must live with this can find outside people to talk with such as at church, your child's school, your family or extended family. get out and about and make some friends you will feel better. good luck..

Apr 05, 2015
being gone NEW
by: Anonymous

Skype or Facetime.

Apr 05, 2015
awwwwwwwww NEW
by: Anonymous

im gone for 25 days straight, my woman does not complain that much. even though she efffing hates it. 4 days you have it made.

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