Does millis do hair follicle testing?

by Dustin Lynch
(Racine Wi, USA)

Need to know of millis transfer does hair follicle testing. Haven't smoked in a long time, still nervous

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Aug 08, 2017
Stuff happens NEW
by: Anonymous

People change dumbass.

Oct 10, 2014
not a druggie NEW
by: Anonymous

You are not a druggie...screw him. Weed grows wild on it's own, made by God or Mother Nature (pick one). It's the 21st century and weed is still treated as if we were still in the 1930's. Reefer madness needs to end

Oct 10, 2014
not a druggie NEW
by: Anonymous

You are not a druggie...screw him. Weed grows wild on it's own, made by God or Mother Nature (pick one). It's the 21st century and weed is still treated as if we were still in the 1930's. Reefer madness needs to end

Oct 10, 2014
not a druggie NEW
by: Anonymous

You are not a druggie...screw him. Weed grows wild on it's own, made by God or Mother Nature (pick one). It's the 21st century and weed is still treated as if we were still in the 1930's. Reefer madness needs to end

Jul 22, 2014
folical testing NEW
by: Anonymous

if you are worried about it you are probably a druggie.get a job at taco bell and stay off the have no business out there

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