Does DOT use Prepass to track drivers

by Grannymjr
(Missouri, USA)

Does the D.O.T. at the PrePass sites, keep an indefinite record of your beep so they know when you were by there last?

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Mar 01, 2023
Tracking by the DOT through the PrePass
by: The Crazy Trucker

lol Good question. Are you tracked yes. Every time you pass a place that the prepassed can be read means that equipment is logged at that location and im sure if you go deep enough there is assignment of equipment to company or individual.

I doubt the DOT itself has access to a database of specific details about you.

However, I'm pretty sure if needed (for example deadly accident) they could get records that would say you crossed scale x at a specific time on a specific day.

If you're wondering if it could be match against your logging, I would say yes.

....But so can your phone location records.
And likely computer in the vehicle.

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