does dot test for methadone?

by mike

does dot test for methadone and if so what happens if you come up positive but have a prescription for it.And if you fail for methadone can you take it again once you are clean

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Sep 16, 2023
Class A Girl..... NEW
by: Anonymous

MALLINCKRODT is the manufacturer of Methadose, not the name of the drug. The brand name is methadose, the generic name is Methadone, the chemical name is (RS)-6-(dimethylamino)-4,4-diphenylheptan- 3-one.

Jan 16, 2023
New DOT RULES concerning methadone NEW
by: Anonymous

The rules on DOT exemption from drivers on methadone has changed. It use to be NO METHADONE ,No exception!!

NNow after proof in test after test after ttest proving patients who are on " methadone matenance programs under the care and supervision of a doctor show zero effects of slowing reflexes or impairment.
Currently DOT does not allow people to drive taking methadone " exception being people who have been on methadone matenance treatment" you can get your prescribing doctor to write a letter stating you have been on a matenance programs and your current dose, your previous drug test results and he/she writes a letter stating you are safe to operate commercial vehicles due to your dose does not cause slowing in your reflexes or impairment of any kind. Get a D.O.T. physical examiner who will agree to accept the letter and DOT will accept this and allow you to drive now. I just recently found this out by researching it myself

Jan 14, 2022
You are an idiot. Safety Instructor NEW
by: Anonymous

Please educate yourself before you decide to comment again about methadone.

Jul 22, 2021
Former user NEW
by: Anonymous

I was in pain management I've been a truck driver for 34 years my dose of opiate pain medication was acceptable to the federal dot. Now if I took more than we prescribed amount I would be considered impaired. I'm currently in methadone treatment my dose is fairly low and it impairs me in no way whatsoever. I can't abuse it because I get 1 dose in a 24 hour period. As opposed to a bottle of pills that I could take 2, 3, or however many at a time. This makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever. The law needs to be changed. By the way 34 years of service I was accident and ticket free.

Nov 23, 2020
Already have a cdl
by: Anonymous

What if you already have a cdl in go get put on methadone.will the state find out in cancel your cdl?

Jul 15, 2019
Does Connecticut dot testing , test for methadone?
by: Anonymous

Does Connecticut dot exams test for methadone?

Jul 03, 2018
Moron safety instructor NEW
by: Anonymous

You uninformed people who act as if taking a prescribed drug that betters your life and the lives of your family are truly idiots. Would you rather someone continues to ruin there life and hurt their family because you are morons? I know many wonderful people who are on medicated assisted recovery and are way better people than someone who snubs their nose at anything they don't understand. I for one would rather be driving next to a driver who is on methadone than one who is on a mental or physical altering medication or illegal substance. For everyone utilizing the MAR programs, God Bless your amazing strength and faith.

Jun 13, 2018
Methadone NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm not impaired at all from methadone. I haven't had any trouble with failing a drug test. Just make sure you list it on your DOT physical form and inform your employer if they require you to disclose your medications.

Apr 01, 2018
by: Anonymous

You know,I'm a trucker too,I wish you all would shut the heck up about this crap,keep on talking about it and they are going to start testing and all sorts of crap...if you have questions,go to the D.M.V. office....that's what they are there for...., just saying.

Feb 05, 2018
For that dumbass "safety instructor" commented in July 2016 NEW
by: Anonymous

Perhaps you should read up on methadone and learn that when studies were done of people being impaired on methadone almost always have something else like benzos in their system. Clearly all you know how to do is repeat BS that's been drilled into your head all your pathetic life. Methadone is something that has saved many lives and made stable contributing members of society out of former addicts. The dot is only hurting themselves by stopping probably many thousands of would be good drivers from getting into the industry. All over a dumb ill guided misinformed stigma. Luckily there's people like me who's smart enough to see through your BS and have been taking methadone now for 10 years and I hold a class A with extra endorsements and have successfully and completely accident free logged over 1.5 million miles. All while taking my daily dose of methadone. We all know that drugs affect people differently and of course i wouldn't drive if it impaired me so why come on here and make statements an idiot buffoon would make? It's sad really knowing what I've been able to do and have managed to raise and support my family with my job; yet there's many ill informed wastes out there that would love to pull my card if I mentioned my medication. The main problem is that these days more so than ever; this country is ran like a mafia family with it always being about the money. Look at the dot's policy on it and there procedures. Ridiculous. Then you have little brain washed people like you who have probably very little real world experience that think they really know something. I'm sorry but that just strikes a nerve with me.

Feb 05, 2018
For that dumbass "safety instructor" commented in July 2016 NEW
by: Anonymous

Perhaps you should read up on methadone and learn that when studies were done of people being impaired on methadone almost always have something else like benzos in their system. Clearly all you know how to do is repeat BS that's been drilled into your head all your pathetic life. Methadone is something that has saved many lives and made stable contributing members of society out of former addicts. The dot is only hurting themselves by stopping probably many thousands of would be good drivers from getting into the industry. All over a dumb ill guided misinformed stigma. Luckily there's people like me who's smart enough to see through your BS and have been taking methadone now for 10 years and I hold a class A with extra endorsements and have successfully and completely accident free logged over 1.5 million miles. All while taking my daily dose of methadone. We all know that drugs affect people differently and of course i wouldn't drive if it impaired me so why come on here and make statements an idiot buffoon would make? It's sad really knowing what I've been able to do and have managed to raise and support my family with my job; yet there's many ill informed wastes out there that would love to pull my card if I mentioned my medication. The main problem is that these days more so than ever; this country is ran like a mafia family with it always being about the money. Look at the dot's policy on it and there procedures. Ridiculous. Then you have little brain washed people like you who have probably very little real world experience that think they really know something. I'm sorry but that just strikes a nerve with me.

Jul 05, 2017
Methadone and CDL NEW
by: Anonymous

The D.O.T. drug test does NOT test for methadone. I know because I was on it for 8+ yrs and was randomly tested on several occasions and passed. When I went in for my last medical card physical I was told that Methadone would disqualify me from having a CDL. Even though I was on it for years for chronic pain relief and was accident free and logged hundreds of thousands of miles I had to quit taking it. I switched meds and still have my license.

Apr 21, 2017
Mothdone6 NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm getting test for hiting my head over a week ago in my trailer bugtex but still having very bad headaches blurry vision I forget things I have to do and sometime I forget where at I guess if I come back dirty I'm done by the way I was on ssd last Jan 2016 now I lost that by going back to work I just hop methadone don't come back just10 milg

Apr 20, 2017
DOT does NOT allow Methadone per 1308.11 NEW
by: Mike

A driver cannot take a controlled substance or prescription medication without a prescription from a licensed practitioner.
If a driver uses a drug identified in 21 CFR 1308.11 (391.42(b)(12)) or any other substance such as amphetamine, a narcotic, or any other habit forming drug, The driver is medically unqualified.
There is an exception: the prescribing doctor can write that the driver is safe to be a commercial driver while taking the medication. In this case, the Medical Examiner may, but does not have to certify the driver.
Any anti-seizure medication used for the prevention of seizures is disqualifying.
Methadone use is disqualifying.
The Medical Examiner has 2 ways to determine if any medication a driver uses will adversely affect safe operation of a CMV:
1. Review each medication - prescription, non-prescription and supplement
2. Request a letter from the prescribing doctor

google methodone FMCSA
You will get this same answer.

Apr 01, 2017
Seriously? NEW
by: Mt truckn

I read here that a safety director claims they don't test for methadone? What about hair testing?

Jul 15, 2016
Help, interviewing for job NEW
by: Dave

Interviewing for a mgt production job and the nurse says they go by DOT testing. I have methadone in my system and need to know if I will fail because of it. If, so I can go to the clinic but must know asap? Please help?

Jun 28, 2016
They do test for methadone NEW
by: Anonymous

My bro just got tested and they took his dot license because he is prescribed methadone for pain. The woman told him he can't take methadone and have a dot license.

Jan 11, 2016
Methadone NEW
by: Safety Director

I can tell you as a Safety Director with absolute, POSITIVE certainty that the DOT does NOT require drug tests which detect the use/presence of Methadone. Ridiculous you say? Can't be true, of COURSE truck drivers HAVE to be tested for Methadone? Sorry... but before you get in the car and drive alongside all those trucks tomorrow, you better call your local DOT office and ask them if truck drivers are required to be tested for the use of Methadone. NO, TRUCK DRIVERS ARE NOT TESTED FOR METHADONE. The Pre Employment and the Random drug tests that Truck drivers are regularly subject to DO NOT TEST FOR THE PRESENCE OF METHADONE. NO CRAP. It the "on the honor system" - truck drivers are "trusted" to inform the physician that performs their DOT Physical that they are using Methadone, truck drivers are "trusted" to inform their employers that they are using methadone. The FMCSA has laws which PROHIBIT anyone who uses Methadone from driving commercially, but since they don't drug test for it........well, let's just say don't bet your life that the driver of that truck next to you isn't taking methadone, because it would be one of the dumber, less informed bets you could make. Luckily, most truck drivers are really great people - and are honest, and truly care about the motoring public they encounter every day...and follow the laws, and if they are using Methadone, they don't drive a potential 80,000 pound "weapon" right next to YOU every day. Not because they couldn't get away with it, ironically enough, it would be incredibly easy to get away with it and NEVER get caught. They don't do it because they are good people who care. They care about their safety, they care about YOUR safety. And they are law biding citizens who do what is right. Thank God for that, because there's no way to catch those who don't. Seriously people, check with the DOT yourself. I repeat DOT drug tests do NOT test for Methadone. I know it seems too ridiculous to believe, but you don't have to take my word for your own homework and learn the ugly truth for yourself.

Nov 15, 2015
Classagirl NEW
by: BigphilAnonymous

What do you mean classagirl list it as .how do you do that

May 30, 2012
DOT Methadone NEW
by: Anonymous

Dot doesn't test for methadone, I'm 100 percent positive, and far as any other drugs go, it's pass or fail, they never say more than that to your company, and before they do that even they call you to find out what you have been takeing.

Sep 05, 2010

Check it out... Do not list methadone or dolophine! Instead list it's original name. "MALLINCKRODT " Why? Well notice the simalarities of "PHINE". Like moriphine ! That's what I did and I passed, no questions!! Good luck!!!

My. State is. California

Aug 11, 2010
by: American Trucker

DOT does check and even if you have prescription odds are most companies wont take a chance. But i would try anyhow cause u never know.

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