Does CR England test for suboxen

by Derrick owens
(Evarts Kentucky )

Im just wondering if they test for suboxen i have been taking it now for about 6 months and i am clean from everything now no other drugs in my system but do they test for suboxen???

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Mar 21, 2013
Probably do
by: Tara

Suboxone is used to treat narcotic (opiate) addiction but I'm sure you already knew that. My fiance just went through their training and is finally done! He's ready to upgrade and get his own truck.

They are VERY strict about drugs in the system and do a hair follicle test so before you even travel to one of their training facilities you should talk to your recruiter first.

WOuld be a waste of time if you spent 2 days on a greyhound bus(miserable) and then just got sent home.

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