does cr england do hair testing

by bill smith
(sioux sity iowa )

Does CR England do hair testing?

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Feb 01, 2012
stupid trucker NEW
by: Anonymous

wow "keep the dope heads off the streets". Your prolly a stupid redneck who drinks budweiser when your not trucking. you prolly pop prescription drugs for your HBP but yes we should keep the dope heads off the streets even if they arent using dope on the job.

Dec 19, 2011
Thank Goodness NEW
by: Anonymous

Wow, I'm glad a trucking company does these tests. Keep the dope heads off the streets. To paint this as something negative is crazy.

Dec 13, 2011
hair test NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes,cr england does do hair testing,seen it with my own 2 eyes!!!!if u r goin 2 cr be very very carefull as they r very misleading!cr's online application leads you to think they want info for ONLY LAST 3 YRS,i made a mistake 5yrs ago and failed random test,seeing cr's app was interested in only last 3yrs i didn't think i had to mention test,yr i was out i successfully completed sap program which company that fired me hired me back,left them after 16 month's,cr sent me bus tick to their school in gary in,stayed 6 days right after i passed road test they called me and said company sent them fax that i failed test in 2007,they let me go and told me i had to find my own way home and couldn't get refund on 50.00$ i had to pay them,so be very carefull with that company!!!!!!!!!

Dec 07, 2011
hair test NEW
by: Anonymous

Cr england only does a hair test if they get a urine test that failed or u tell then u do

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