Do you need?

by Chuck
(Garden Grove , Ca)

Do Truckers need to loose inches around stomach ? Can you find this sort of thing in a Truck Stop?

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Sep 09, 2009
Weight around the waist and truckers
by: Hervy

Yes we do need to lose inches around the waist and weight too. Not just truckers, the average American needs to lose inches around the waist. I could stand to lose about another inch myself.

Excess weight around the waist makes you a candidate for developing many diseases and illnesses associated with obesity.

There is junk in the truck stop to assist weight loss but all a person needs to do is regulate eating habits and exercise instead of spend money consuming more weight lost products.

Of course it's much easier to not gain those extra inches than it is to lose them.

Kill the sodas, cakes and other flour based food and eat beans and veggies more frequently instead of meat and do a few exercises before ever leaving your bunk in the morning will go a long way to losing those inches.

I will be posting a video soon as I get a chance to edit it about eating, exercise, health care and trucking soon.

Although here is plenty of that same info already on the site.
How to get rid of weight and inches around the waist

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