do you need a GED to drive otr semi

do u need a GED to drive s big truck?

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Feb 27, 2012
Own Company
by: Shepher Tranpotation

I Started My Own Company With A Ged

Sep 01, 2010
Do you need a GED or High School Diploma to drive Tractor Trailer
by: Hervy

You can get your CDL without your GED or High School Diploma.

However, most companies will want you to have one or the other.

You should go ahead and get your GED in my opinion because supposed you do get hired without one and drive 5 years or more then decide you want out.

Who else will hire without the GED. Plus when you decide later in life to get it, it will be that much harder to relearn EVERYTHING to study.

Studying now won't be as hard while material is a little fresher to you.

So. What are you going to do?

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