do you have a list of truck companies that will hire after you completed the sap program

i failed a random looking for trucking companies that will hire you after completing the sap program.

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Dec 03, 2021
Arthritis or drug use
by: Anonymous

I would certainly like to know how many drivers have come up positive on a drug test for marijuana use when all they were using was CBD creme for arthritis and muscle pains.

I am one of those people and what I found is, One, no-one believes you, and two, good, experienced drivers are being terminated for nothing more than trying to find a safe alternative to things like Voltaron which has a lot of nasty side effects.

Three, so many companies will not take the time to rehire those people because in their mind, you are guilty until you prove yourself innocent

When you have an industry that seems to be screaming about the lack of qualified drivers, why are they doing everything they can to get rid of talented, highly qualified drivers. Seems pretty stupid to me!

Then again, this is the new America where common sense is dead!

Sep 23, 2010
trucking companies that might hire after SAP
by: Hervy

On this page are some companies recommended for felons, i would think they might consider a person after SAP program also.

One told me Ready Trucking and Carolina Cargo was pretty forgiving. Look for other listed here.

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