Do felonys like Recieving Stolen Property automatically bar me from getting a cdl in Ohio

by Steve

Do felonies bar you from getting a cdl? Roadmaster won't even take my application here in Ohio to get certified. My record is over 20 years old, and there are 2 drunk drivings on there also; but they are 20 years old also.

Will i ever be able to get a cdl, or be able to drive for a company in Ohio? It sucks that you have to pay for a mistake, for the rest of your life, for something you did when you were young (19yrs old), and stupid....(ugggh...)

The guy with no dreams, and with a 20 year old record.


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Mar 28, 2012
thanks for advice man...
by: Anonymous

Thanks man, Yeah I really want to get my cdl to drive 2.5 ton gravel trucks to start a hauling service on my own or freelance. I really wouldn't mind driving 18 wheelers; but with gas, i really wanna stick to local..but still wouldn't mind learning both..

I just wasn't sure if trucking schools can bar your or not with a felony...but yeah, thanks for the advice...Good to know, that you can still pay on our own, to learn a trade, or to reach goals...thnkx again man...

Mar 26, 2012
CDL, yes...job, well, maybe
by: Jimmy

Felons can get a CDL anywhere. It's the job that will be hard to get. If the above mentioned school won't take you, it's because you're doing some kind of grant. Pay cash and they'll gladly accept you, but won't guarantee any one will hire you. Felons driving big trucks is possible, but just harder to find. Luck to ya'...Jimmy

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