Disclosing having a Service Dog during trucking job interview


I am enrolled in a CDL school. No one at the school or the companies I call can give me a definitive answer about my service dog (PTSD) during the driver training. I know by Fed law they are supposed to, but I was told they don't have to.

Any suggestions?

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Mar 13, 2015
Same Boat NEW
by: Anonymous

I am currently in a legal battle regarding a CDL grant and school over my service dog. I recommend speaking with an attorney who specializes in disability discrimination and filing a complaint with the Attorney General's office.

Feb 21, 2015
Service dog NEW
by: TruckerYitz

I've had two dogs while driving and never did have a problem .

And a service dog, isn't supposed to be rejected nor the person from any job or business.
As to a job, well as long as the dog doesn't interfere with job details,,,,, why not

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