Days like this suck

by Angie
(Pennsylvania )

My boyfriend is an over the road trucker. We live in Pennsylvania. He's in California right now, and has been gone for two weeks. I see him two days out of the month, and it's worth it. But on days like today, I despise it.

I have chronic depression, and severe anxiety. My living situation sucks. We don't have our own place right now, because I don't have a license. But that's a long story in itself.

There are really hard times going on at the house I live in, and I've been extremely stressed. Today I just snapped in a depressed way. I've been crying on and off all day, and all I want to curl up in his arms and let him hold me. And I can't have that, because he's on the opposite side of the country. And today it's agonizing.

I can normally do good with not over thinking it. But today it's just killing me. I feel trapped in the shitty living situation I'm in. And he can't help from California. He can't help too much at all for a while, until he pays off his car repair bill. And it just sucks. Today just sucks.

I just want him home today. And I'm just miserable that he's not here.

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Nov 07, 2015
I am exploring NEW
by: Ralph Reinhard

I am exploring this subject as part of a report I need to do on possible careers I might choose. Thank you for your post it has valuable information on this topic.
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Nov 09, 2014
New to this lol... NEW
by: Anonymous

For me I have good and bad days. Nights are the worst for me which is how I found this tonight. We live in Virginia and he is in Texas going to California...
Honestly I understand the depression and anxiety part, I got out of a bad relationship before I got with my trucker, (best decision ever) anyway got with my man in May, we had extra money together and in June I was on the road with him until October. I haven't seen him since Oct. 5, so you are very lucky to see your guy every month, trust me!! I won't see mine again til Thanksgiving and only 3 days top!
My first advice is to figure out if he is worth all of this, as it is very hard. Secondly get your license, trust me it'll do you good. You can get away from your home life for awhile and just riding with the windows down is a huge blessing sometimes.
Plus be able to get around to any job you want so you can get your confidence back, I went to the ER Wednesday with back problems and walked out with that and heart problems so my job searching abilities are limited right now, but I do photography sessions here and there :)
Good luck!

Oct 26, 2014
.... NEW
by: Anonymous

good advice hervy

Oct 20, 2014
Grow UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NEW
by: Anonymous

are you kidding me??????????????
Get your license get a fucking job and get a life.!

Are you going to wait around forever for a BOYfriend?
your not even married and you think and act like you are married.
I hate to tell you this but you are his piece of ass. I assure you he should have plenty of money to "get your own place."

Oct 18, 2014
Dealing with the loneliness and sadness NEW
by: Hervy


It seems you have a lot going on there at once. I can see how it might have you feeling a little down.

What I usually tell someone who find themselves in a stressful situation like yours is to focus on what is right.

It won't change the reality but it puts things in perspective. Easier for me to say than for you to do, but if you think about it, it's much better than the alternative of focusing on all that is wrong constantly.

What are you thankful for in the current situation? What are the benefits of him trucking? Hopefully you have a plan that you are working toward. Sounds like the car getting fixed is one of them. Will the job in fact help that to happen?

What good things can you look forward to? Let that be what occupies your mind. Also find support groups of other women who also has depression.

You probably can exchange and share coping skills with each other.

Keep your head up,

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