DAC Report Abuse - Has anyone experienced the same things mentioned here

by Patrick H.
(St. Louis, MO)

I have recently been released by one of the largest truck training companies (White trucks, 62 mph trucks)ha ha. I have nearly 50,000 miles OTR with NO roadway incidents.

I delivered 120+ loads (240 back-ins) at shipper and receiver with probably another 100+ back-ins in dark,tight, close-quarter,situations at truck stops.

Now I find myself unemployed along with other drivers in my same situation. (I had 3-"preventables"}.

I feel the DAC report system is abused because it doesn't differentiate between relatively "minor" incidents on yards (private property) and serious incidents on the roadways that involved other vehicles, light poles, power lines, etc.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I feel that the DAC system is simply a way to keep the majority of new drivers from ever attaining seniority status. About the time they are really becoming proficient (and receiving more pay)they are released.

Not only this, the DAC report which is largely an internal trucking industry tool, literally "blackballs" them from any other jobs in the industry. With the economy what it is, there is a steady flow of new, inexperienced, wide-eyed, naive, trainees who are willing to endure anything with the promise of $35-$40k first year earnings while being paid 25 cents/mile.

I earned just over $9k in 6-months. Spent countless hours in shop, waiting for next load, etc. Had to take a 14-hr bus ride just to get a truck assigned--with 2 flat tires and mechanical issues.

Office personnel talked to you with total disrespect and treated you like a dog. These practices serve only the trucking industry (to keep pay down for experienced drivers as well) and the truck driving schools who have a constant influx of new candidates.

Was my experience unique? Was I unlucky? Or is this the norm? Your comments please.

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Aug 12, 2022
Clear and Boost your DAC report NEW
by: Anonymous

The trucking companies can put whatever it is they want to put on there without having to back it up unless we, as drivers, force them to, which usually costs money. I was out of work since Feb 2018 because a company falsified my report. I have now been able to get it cleaned up, however before I got it cleaned up, I was staying in a homeless shelter because no one else will hire me. I was able to successfully clear my DAC report with the help of instantexpunge @ tuta,io . I highly recommend every trucker to have their DAC report checked and cleaned up. It really increases your chances of getting a good employment. The best part of it all is that they offer a 100% money back guarantee. I believe every trucker in the country needs instantexpunge @tuta,io The trucking companies can put whatever it is they want to put on there without having to back it up unless we, as drivers, force them to, which usually costs money. I was out of work since Feb 2018 because a company falsified my report. I have now been able to get it cleaned up, however before I got it cleaned up, I was staying in a homeless shelter because no one else will hire me. I was able to successfully clear my DAC report with the help of instantexpunge @ tuta,io . I highly recommend every trucker to have their DAC report checked and cleaned up. It really increases your chances of getting a good employment. The best part of it all is that they offer a 100% money back guarantee. I believe every trucker in the country needs instantexpunge @tuta,io

Jan 26, 2012
Companies lie on the DAC and get away with it
by: Anonymous

I believe that this DAC stuff is a bunch of b.s. because a company can lie about a driver and get away with it

Jan 25, 2012
similar situations
by: Hervy

Patrick hate you are dealing with this DAC drama man. Many drivers go through similar situations.

If any of that information on their is wrong you can contest it.

You can also provide explanation for the stuff that is correct but might cause the reader to assume things were worse than they were. Who knows, that clarification on the incidents might help you out.

get a copy of your dac and add explanations to your report

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