confused and need help?? How do I keep him from losing him?

by torn apart

Is it normal for truck driver's to get hooked on pornography??

Is it normal for someone who has the option to come home, to not come home??

How do they meet women over the road??

How do I treat him when he comes home, so he won't go or want to be with someone else??

I was sheltered as a child and was raised does all of this work??

...please I don't want to lose him, but I can tell I am fixing too!!! Anyone out there???

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Jul 05, 2012
I feel for you NEW
by: Anonymous

I'm going through pretty much the same thing. He has a second seat whose usually pretty horny and i'm scared that he'll want a lot lizard and make my husband feel as if he has to have one, my husband falls on his knees to pressure. I was raised in a strict family also, what i've done was when he comes home, i have talks with him about how i'm here for him and he needs to be there for me. Marriage is above peer pressure. Porn is bad but not wanting to come home, that's scary. Have you tried to ask him why he doesn't want to come home, and when he does maybe try and be a little bit more open in the bedroom, that's what i've had to do.. my thoughts are with you!

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