Company forced me to run illegal, what can i do?

by Mark
(Delgado )

I am a CDL Class A driver I got my license through the company that I work at now they paid for it and I signed a two-year contract saying that I will not quit or if I do I will have to pay $2,500.

3 weeks ago I was running out of hours so I called my company and told them that I did not have enough hours to do the last stop I got into a real big argument with them over it and they force me to do this stuff and run out of hours so I had to drive a company car back to the warehouse.

They told me that if I did not do the last time it was a $2,500 mistake what can I do about this?

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Mar 02, 2017
Keep a record of it
by: Hervy

The next time they try to coerce you to run illegally have a record of it.

Qualomm or text message from them will work well. A recorded phone conversation could be useful I suppose but of course there are laws about recording voice without permission so I don't know how that holds legally in court.

But you do have legal recourse for them firing you for standing up for running legal or blowing the whistle on them operating unsafe.

Check out the links from this page.
How to report a trucking company

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