Company driver turned up truck speed should he be fired

Had truck turned down to 75 mph.Driver had been given 3 verbal warnings. Should he be fired?

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Aug 29, 2016
by: Anonymous

It's not your truck.

Aug 29, 2016
I would have fired him the first time.
by: Hervy

If you ask me. The first time would have been enough for me.

But now this is what I see as reason enough to fire him/her...

1. 75 is plenty fast enough

2. That takes a deliberate effort to break what the company has determined to be a good idea.

3. What type of person will put that much effort into by-pass company rules (in this case settings)

4. What type of person does it again after being given a second chance and then again after getting caught a second time.

If you ask me, someone who either doesn't care or is too simple minded to understand. Either way, he/she does not need to be behind the wheel of a truck if you ask me.

Not any truck.

Those are the types of people who will then turn around and act as if someone did him/her wrong but doesn't look at his/her own actions.

I am big on second changes and allowing people an opportunity to make up for mistakes. I have made plenty myself. But this is not one of those types of situations.

What other policies, rules, shortcuts are being abused? It could lead to a terrible consequence.

Good luck.

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