Communication is key to the relationship

by ashley

I am a wife of a trucker! The key thing is to communicate everyday that he is gone.

He calls me before he hits the road and before he goes to bed...It's hard yes, but the key thing for us is communication...and don't let your husband say he can't call you at least once a day, because they have to shut down for sleep and food and usually there's a thing called a 10 hr. restart or break.

So remember to communicate that way you both know what's going on, on both sides. Also, if you have kids together like we do, even if they are babies like mine, let their daddy's voice be heard by them as well to show that they are loved and missed too!!!

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Sep 10, 2013
get a better carrier NEW
by: Anonymous

try and find out a better carrier and you must know some mountain areas are just not going to get the aerial you really want...they haven't figured that one out yet...just sounds like you are bit irritated with this happening and sounds like it would be nice and if you understand and know this isn't really his fault...instead of just thinking of yourself think about how irritated he gets with this happening??? Hello... just saying...

Sep 09, 2013
No communication NEW
by: Anonymous

My husband has been doing trucking now for 6 months & anymore I can't stand it with these mountains & so forth. Even with him wearing a Bluetooth, every time I am in the middle of telling him something important, the next sound I hear is a beep, beep meaning we got disconnected & even when he gets on downtime & he is in his sleeper berth while his co-driver is driving, we get disconnected. Our daughter was in the middle of telling him something important & next thing I know is she is telling me that she has had it with these disconnects & she told me she never wants to talk to her father again because of this & my daughter noticed that when her father had something to tell her there were no disconnects. So communication sucks with these truckers!

Jul 18, 2013
good for you on looking for a new relationship NEW
by: Anonymous

that is the best thing you can do for yourself....when unhappy move on!!! I like your is to short to be it to the go girl!!!!!!!!!

Jul 18, 2013
No communication NEW
by: Anonymous

You mention about a 10 hour shut down time! Well I shut my phone off! I look at it this way when the wife is home & the hub is on the road, it is a SEPARATION & I was always taught by my mother that when you are separated, you close off all communication! In the 6 weeks that mine is gone, he'll be lucky to hear from me once & that is pushing it. He has his job, I have mine! I have been reading blogs on cheating husbands that they can get anything out there for free! I can go to bed at night & read my tablet & then go to sleep comfortably with my phone turned off & get up the next day & not think of calling him! Out of sight, out of mind! And yes I do have male friends that communicate with me & he has no idea! Because don't kid yourself, they are like a Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde - have a woman in every city & then come home & act like they miss you! Yeah right! I am not cut out to be a trucker's wife & I am glad I will be finding another relationship!

Feb 14, 2013
very true NEW
by: Anonymous

25 years he has been truking, and we still call each other it was 9 times....yesterday it was 7 times and those are 2 days I work and go to school all day....some days it can be up to 19 times hehehehe....he wears a Bluetooth and this is so convenient.... thank God for this because we are older, we sometimes forget what we really called each other for lol, so we have to redial.....good post

Feb 13, 2013
shrink the distance NEW
by: Hervy

Thanks for sharing Ashley. I think you are right on track. Communication is the key to shrinking the distance between the OTR driver and the family.

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