commercial license and 3 DUI,s

by Raymomd
(aberdeen washington)

years ago I got 3 DUI,s first one in 1990 the second one around 1992 and the 3rd one in 2004 after the 3rd one I stopped drinking for good. its now 2014 if I wanted to ever get a commercial license and maybe drive truck would I ever be able to get a commercial license with 3 old DUI,s on my record in Washington state

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Mar 06, 2014
Google your states laws on dui
by: Anonymous

Most dui's drop off your mvr in 10 years. I suggest getting a 10 year dmv printout to see if they are still there. I'm told most companies go back 7-10 years on background. Not sure about your state laws.

I would google search your state. Some states they stay forever. Read the job qualifications carefully, some companies only go back so far, some farther, some don't care, stay away from those that don't care.

If they don't show up, don't mention it, but be prepared to answer truthfully if they do come up. The worst thing that could happen is you get a good job, but later on they find out and fire you for lying on the application. Time has a way of washing the sins of the past away.

As long as you are sober now and stay clean it will get better for you. That being said, if you have or get your CDL, you are considered a professional driver, no traffic school and certainly no alcohol related issues !!

You will be done for life.

I commend you on your continued sobriety. Don't blow it !!!!!

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