Colonial Freight Systems

by Alice

Colonial is hiring lease operaters and man do they lie do you,so they can have someone to make their truck payments.They will tell you it's no forced dispatch until your there,then it's the first 90 days,it's forced dispatch.They will also tell you you will make good money,but so far i've been in the HOLE more than i have made money.So if there is anyway you can post this where truckers can see this so they don't have to go through the same thing i have that would be great...

A Trucker

Comments for Colonial Freight Systems

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Dec 12, 2016
Failures Fail NEW
by: Big Evil

For all of you complaining about Colonial. This is TRUCKING.. Not only that it's Lease purchase/owner operator, and your complaining about paying for fuel. The fact of the matter is this. In this industry only the strong survive. No one is going to cater to you. A problem I believe is happening, is some of you are coming into trucking with no knowledge of the industry at all. You think everyone is going to be nice and frilly to you just like it was it that office building.

Feb 06, 2016
Who knows? NEW
by: Anonymous

Is renting a truck better than owning? They have a good rental program that allows you to rent a truck for 3 to 4 years but never own it unless you pay the balloon at the end. Their trucks are under warranty part of the rental. They pay 77 cents per mile for all loaded miles! Your cost of fuel would range around 33 to 45 cents per mile for fuel, 30 to 36 cents per mile in truck payments leaving you 8 to 12 cents per mile take home for a single driver. So if you only run 10,000 miles per week you should take home around $1000.00 per week. Who wants to make more than that anyway!

Jul 08, 2015
Buy a truck. NEW
by: Anonymous

I am a lady driver for over 30,years. Occasionally I read reviews on various companies just because. It seems the same drivers who bash colonial are on all reviews doing the same as on this review. No I do not work for colonial and never have but for grown men and women to write these nasty reviews is ridiculous. You are not concerned about drivers but venting your own anger. Try being angry at yourselves for failure and post what an incapable driver you are instead of bashing the company. If you don't want to pay the price for a lease then go buy one outright or thru a bank. Its not always the company's fault for.your.failure look in the mirrow and ask the image what went wrong.

Mar 29, 2015
Another Rental Truck! NEW
by: Tim

Colonial needs to put Lease to Rent on their ads! They allow you to rent one of their trucks for a while, then make you take another truck with a higher payment? Unless you have $50,000 to put down at the end, it's GONE! Plus, who's heard of a lease driver making 77 cents per mile? USX pays 90 to 1.05, Celadon Pays 89 to 95, even western express now pays 95 to 2.50 per mile. This is one of the only companies that pays only loaded miles, no deadhead or empty miles. Everyone else pays all miles.

Good luck!

Mar 09, 2015
Colonial Freight NEW
by: Anonymous

This Company is a JOKE!! When,I first starting everything was fine I stayed on the road for numerous of time and months away from family we had just got a new place and everything then I started to take my home time to be with my family. Soon no checks was coming in. 2months went by n i didnt get paid. this company sucks........... I lost everything...

Jan 27, 2015
Don't believe them NEW
by: Anonymous

Don't think you are coming home on the weekends. If the truck goes in the shop and it will. Then your hole will get deeper. Money ok if the truck runs and u don't expect to be a family person. Real talk. Susie in the banana division plays favoritism.

Apr 16, 2013
If u are tired of living go to colonial NEW
by: Danny

To the driver that said he has been there 20 years how many trucks do u own thru colonial hmmm none. That place is a joke. I was there for ten months over a 150 thousand miles at the end of which I ended up with nothing and being in the hole. How are u gonna make a payment with a truck that broke down or sitting They don't care about you. I don't care what anyone says u are gonna fell over there. U can't go home ever and that fool jimmy heartline I'm suprised he is still living. Word to u don't go to colonial u can't say u havnt been warned with enough people tell u the same thing hmmmm it must be true. I bet it's the people in the office posting the good ads about the company. Once that truck goes down and it will u are DONE in the hole u go. The worst company in the USA hands down

Mar 21, 2013
When is working a better option? NEW
by: Henry

I have a few years under my belt and I'm reminded on a daily basis that I'm getting older with the grey showing through my once brown hair, and the occassional popping of my joints when I move too fast, but with age sometimes comes wisdom. I grew up a third generation farmer's son, and learned that if you can walk, you can work, and if you can talk, you can pray. The praying part was easy, the working part was not... especially at 7 or 8. I woke up every monring at 5 to milk cows, feed goats and chickens, and make sure the eggs were collected with care. I had breakfast at a sit down table in our kitchen, then was off to school by 8. This routine was daily, including weekends and holidays well into my thirties until I decided to give trucking a shot. I came to Colonial after getting my CDL and found a company that gave me every opportunity to succeed, and left it in my hands to fail. I used the work ethic my daddy gave me and my prayers for advice. After a few months I was up and running with the best of them. Now 14 years later, Colonial still believes in me like my own family, because they are. Now in what people call the dawning of my life, I got an ipad and have tried to learn to work it to see what the rest of the world has to offer. When I typed in Colonial, and saw some of these other comments, I was very saddened to find so many people out there that was given a golden opportunity like mine, but instead of thanking them, they talked about them like an old dog. Well, to give my two cents worth, Colonial is very fine people, and I will eventually move on from this world knowing that God put them in my path to help me raise a family, put a roof over our heads, and meals on the table at every sitting. I wont be rubbing elbows with Hollywood types, or buy some airplanes, but I have done well in my career, and will be retiring soon at a younger age than most I know with a good nest egg to boot. I want to thank God for my opportunities with them, thank my daddy for teaching me what a real work ethic is, and Colonial for taking me away from having to ever look after another chicken again.
Keep on trucking,

Mar 21, 2013
When is working a better option? NEW
by: Henry

I have a few years under my belt and I'm reminded on a daily basis that I'm getting older with the grey showing through my once brown hair, and the occassional popping of my joints when I move too fast, but with age sometimes comes wisdom. I grew up a third generation farmer's son, and learned that if you can walk, you can work, and if you can talk, you can pray. The praying part was easy, the working part was not... especially at 7 or 8. I woke up every monring at 5 to milk cows, feed goats and chickens, and make sure the eggs were collected with care. I had breakfast at a sit down table in our kitchen, then was off to school by 8. This routine was daily, including weekends and holidays well into my thirties until I decided to give trucking a shot. I came to Colonial after getting my CDL and found a company that gave me every opportunity to succeed, and left it in my hands to fail. I used the work ethic my daddy gave me and my prayers for advice. After a few months I was up and running with the best of them. Now 14 years later, Colonial still believes in me like my own family, because they are. Now in what people call the dawning of my life, I got an ipad and have tried to learn to work it to see what the rest of the world has to offer. When I typed in Colonial, and saw some of these other comments, I was very saddened to find so many people out there that was given a golden opportunity like mine, but instead of thanking them, they talked about them like an old dog. Well, to give my two cents worth, Colonial is very fine people, and I will eventually move on from this world knowing that God put them in my path to help me raise a family, put a roof over our heads, and meals on the table at every sitting. I wont be rubbing elbows with Hollywood types, or buy some airplanes, but I have done well in my career, and will be retiring soon at a younger age than most I know with a good nest egg to boot. I want to thank God for my opportunities with them, thank my daddy for teaching me what a real work ethic is, and Colonial for taking me away from having to ever look after another chicken again.
Keep on trucking,

Nov 16, 2012
Stay away from Mcbride lane NEW
by: Anonymous

Drivers please read before coming here!!! I came to colonial thinking they were different from the others.They are not they start their lies from the top.David Mcbride will lie so bad and after you are there the dispatch will tell you I am sorry he lied but lets move forward. The driver will pay for.everything. To top it off you will never on that truck. Theu don't tell u umtil your lease is over.Favorite words(that's between u and volvo).They will not help u and as far as gonig home u have to pay to go home.. I am not a mad driver. I just don't wamt another driver to go through what every driver goes through here..Ps..1000$ average for 5400 miles bring home. Stay away from Mcbride Lane!!!

Oct 07, 2012
how often i can see my kids? NEW
by: Anonymous

All this sounds great. But my main concern is how often i will be home. I have two boys 7 and 5 plus a little girl who should be here in december. My whole family trucks and has been since way befor i was born. And i know how much my father wasnt around. I am not going to do that to my kids . Unless i am able to come by the house and see them at least 3 to4 times a week. I know we cant have it all but all im asking . Are there runs available out their to where that could hapen??

Jun 29, 2012
Graduating Student Driver with 4 months NEW
by: New 2 Truck NC

I came to Colonial fresh out of school and went through their training program. They paid better than most (475.00 a week) for training and it went by pretty quickly, but I'm glad I am on my own now. My trainer was a lease purchase operator, and showed me leasing was a better option than a company driver because the pay is better and the home time is MUCH better! Now I'm 4 months into my lease and feeling very good about my decision to get my CDL and to come to Colonial. I cant speak for others, but I found a regular lane to tx and get home weekly. My paycheck will vary a little week to week, but the average is in the $1000 range. Like the last driver, I'm going to retire here.

Jun 29, 2012
6 Months and I'm not leaving. NEW
by: Midnight Highway

I've been with Colonial 6 months now and I'm still happy with my choice to come here. I have been with 7 companies over my driving career and none have compared to this. The positive about Colonial is the money is as large as I want it to be each week and the family like feeling. I also book my own loads to get home when I want which works out 90% of the time. The biggest negative I've found has been my 2012 volvo 780 has had a couple of regen problems, which I guess would happen at any company. Not to write a book about them, but I mainly run between Texas and North Carolina, and typically average take home around $1100 a week.... nearly double my last four companies. It took about a month to figure out their system of running, but once I got it, I got it. I will not be going anywhere anytime soon.

Dec 07, 2011
Broke Driver NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been working for colonial for two months and have only 1 pay check to show everything else in the negative. Thesr people don't care about u are your family all they carr about is that truck payment. I have never ever seen a company that don't give a ~=it about the drivers. I have been here for 2 months and 20 drivers has quit. So if your going to apply you can have my nice fancy truck and my negative payroll checks i am gone

Nov 12, 2011
Colonial freight is the worst company on the face of the earth!!!Scums I tell you!!!! NEW
by: miller time

If anyone talks good about this company I can promise you that they all work inside the office,that's no lie.I will post a settlement sheet soon on google for everyone to see how drivers can run 4,500 to 5,000 miles a week solo and not even take a paycheck home.What a joke.I am so serious about this.The good talk all comes from inside the office and not the outside.Drivers do yourself a favor and stay away from this company!!!!!!!
By the way,I bet if any of those office personal would to not get paid a few weeks they wouldn't even have nothing to say.They just running off at the mouthh,like always since they do get a paycheck weekly no matter what.Raciest ass company,What a joke.I hope they loose every damnnn customer they got.The kkk might be strong but that bs is over.And this company will fall.God do not like ugly,and all those ungodly office personel will go to hell with them.Damnnn Liars,

Apr 28, 2011
u guys are the company butt kissers
by: Anonymous

That's the only reason u even make a paycheck over there ..

Mar 02, 2011
What being an O/O is about
by: Big Show

Being an Owner Operator is about taking pride in owning your own business and running it like its your own business. When someone like Colonial, or any other company, is willing to foot the note or the up front cost for you to own your own truck, dont kick the gift horse in the mouth. In this industry I have seen too many guys that want to have it all but produce nothing with their own sweat and time. This is an industry that is strong from the sweat and effort of too many that try to make a difference and put in the miles that tuen into checks at the end of the week.

Colonial's system has always been simple to follow if you spend the time to listen to them.
They pay between 92 to 97 cpm, plus 100% fuel surcharge. Currently around 51 cpm.... totaling 1.43 to 1.48 per mile. Take that (total + fsc) minus the truck payment at $700, minus the fuel at $1870.00, that gives you $2570 in weekly expenses, BUT around $4440 in gross. Take the $4440 minus expenses ($2570.00) = leaves you $1870.00 before taxes weekly.

Total Gross for the week = $4440.00
Minus truck payment = $ 700.00
Minus Fuel costs = $1870.00
Equals take home around = $1870.00 before taxes

If you can not pay your bills on $1100 to $1900 per week...... you should take a closer look at your lifestyle.

Jan 17, 2011
by: Saying it like it is.....

Of course they dont care about your house payment, car payment and other expenses..... they did not sign you up to be your best friend... YOU came to them and requested a JOB. They were expecting a professional driver, but too often in this industry, you find a lot of cry babies with a CDL that pretend to be a professional. (Most of us do not fit in that category, but we already know who I'm talking about).
Reading these comments, only makes me upset with the loose requirements to get a CDL. They should have an interview process to determine if you are going to drive more, or cry more about why its someone else's fault.
Whether its Colonial today, or another company tomorrow, read these comments with a grain of salt, because its easy to blame everyone else for your failures, but much harder to blame yourself.
If you want to drive, then drive....... If you want to sit at home, sit at home...... BUT do not sit at home and complain about money because you are sitting at home! (You lost that right!)

Dec 15, 2010
mcbride,mike,jimmy,jon and debra can go to hell!!
by: chris

Colonial should not even be in business the way they treat their drivers. I worked for them for over a year and I never requested any days off because if u do u will get in the negative on ur payroll. Once that happens u will never get out the hole.colonial makes sure they get their money first before u get yours. Colonial doesn't care if u have a house payment,car payment,kids to support,etc etc. Colonial puts colonial first before anyone. They might have a few drivers who have been there a few years but not that many. Those are the butt kissers that actually get the gud miles and high paying freight. Everyone else gets left overs.. No wonder they have such a high turn over rate. Working here will be the biggest mistake of your life. YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING!!

Sep 10, 2010
cuts drivers fuel surcharge
by: Anonymous

i have been with colonial for 5 years,some good some bad.until here recently,they cut thier rate,but insteed of taking the loss they cut the driver fuel surcharge by 6 cents on the mile,robbery or what?this company looks out for themselvesand no one else,except jimmy hartline,where they found this clown i do not if you want to work for free go to work for far as these other guys saying its good,well all i can say is that they sound like the gooood ole know what i mean!!!

Jun 17, 2010
Too many Cry Babies..........
by: Dream Job

After 10 years with Colonial.... I know the real thing when I see it everyday. All of these complaints are from "wheel turners" that obviously have no business trying to become o/o's. If you are a company driver and are happy with your 350 - 450 checks.... stay a company driver. If you have some self motivation, pull up your boots, take out your business cap and leave the cry babies in the rear-view. This business no longer caters to the weak, and will not cater to anyone that dodges doing a real days work. Colonial is an honest company that believes in real pay for real work..... if your checks are low..... try working for a living. Colonial is a working driver's dream company. Be a success, No excuses!

May 03, 2010
by: Anonymous

I have worked for Colonial for nearly 20 years, and I am completely unfamiliar with the company described in the last 2 or 3 posts! Colonial is a wonderful company with a real family atmosphere. They really care about their employees, and are very professional. In this business your word is your bond, and Colonial is an honest company who keeps their word to their customers, employees, and owner operators. These comments strike me as coming from disgruntled drivers who don't really want to work, just want to spend time at home and collect a big check. Tell me where to sign up for that and I'm right there, but I don't really think that place exists. Hard work and dedication will pay off at Colonial.

Sep 21, 2009
by: Ray

I have been in the trucking industry for a 20+ yrs. Due to bad circumstances my credit was destroyed.

I called Colonial & the same day they called & was wanting to know when they could bring me in for orientation.(1st. red flag)

I started with co. & seen 1 check & after that it was all a nightmare. I would run $3200 to $3400 to trk. weekly. Check time 0.00 balance. Called that idiot Micheal (v.p. oper.) & hear this dumb story how I was not running the right lanes. Then hear about how idle time was eating the profit. When you sit in Houston Tx. for 3.5 days in July in 105 deg heat what do they expect you to do.

When I asked him if the AC was on in Knoxville he seemed to get pissed at the comment. The guy will lie to drivers & management to make it if it's all the drives fault. The sad part the S.O.B forgot where he came from when he is an ex o/o.

Aug 23, 2009
Instead of check you'll get a Bill
by: Volunteer

Momma always told me if you don't have something nice to say about someone don't say nothing at all, well I'm sorry momma this has got to be told.

Colonial Freight Systems is the worst company I have every drove for. When in class you are showed a board with a HIGH GROSS amount and a fuel surcharge. You will never see that HIGH GROSS amount again,you have over ten deductions that come out of that gross and you also pay for refer fuel and trailer washout and don't you dare pickup a loaded trailer from Americold in Atlanta, GA. that will cost you $30.

I have dead headed more miles than I have gotten loaded miles and they don't pay dead head.If for some reason you ever get over 14,000 miles in a month you will be charged .05 cents per mile.

There is no such thing as detention or layover pay. So if you know like I know you need to not come here cause you will lose your ily,car,dog,house,cell phone,lights etc!! and you will be feeling like me a VOLUNTEER TRUCK DRIVER!!

Aug 23, 2009
Working for Colonial Freight System
by: Anonymous

Colonial Freight Scam

Have you ever worked for a company that just lie about everything? Well add Colonial Freight System to that list. From day one they feed you absolutely nothing but promises and lies, lies, lies.
First of all they prey on truck driver that are 1) Desperately seeking work and
2) They prey on truck drivers that have trouble finding work due to your dat report.
They sit you in a room during orientation and show you a chart with two plus and eight minus. The plus signs are what you can make, but the minus signs are everything they take from what you make leaving you with NOTHING!!! They tell you that they're so busy that they don't have enough drivers to meet the demands, but the truth is they don't have enough work to keep the driver working or busy at the same time they don't send you home. They send you somewhere and have you sitting WITHOUT pay for 48hrs. at a time. And then expect you to pay their trucks note weekly even if they didn't work you. They deduct $30 from your pay for picking up one of their trailers from a customer. If you have a household that's still standing, family and kids at home that depend on you, or a significant other it would be in your best interest to keep trucking, because all they want you to do at Colonial Freight is pay their truck payment.

Your first check might be $600.00, but everything that follows is under $100.00 or in the negative. Meaning you are in debt to not only your household but now to them. And once you fall in the negative with Colonial you will NEVER recover with them.

Can you image going to work for a company looking for a check at the end of the week ONLY to receive a bill?

I'm not telling you something I think or heard I'm telling you something I have experienced. PLEASE BE AWARE OF COMPANIES THAT ARE A SCAMS!!!!

Mar 16, 2009
Alice is a little perturbed
by: Jimmy

Well, Alice, so much depends on how you operate your business. Read my post So you want to be an Owner Op. One of the things I mentioned is that lease operators or lease purchase is just a glorified company driver.

However, some drivers are happy in that position, and some aren't. It sounds like you pick and choose your loads, That can be a problem with a trucking company that is trying to operate a business and then has to deal with a driver that is picky.

Once you get on the wrong side of management, you're going to have a rough time trying to make a go of it. You are totally dependent on Colonial Freight to keep you running.

Take a close look at your daily expenses and see if you can cut back anywhere. Co-operate more with dispatch. I notice a lot of drivers head for a motel when laying over, as I read their blogs. That adds up quick. What is your personal money needs at the house?

You are only a true O/O when you own your truck purchased from a 3rd party, own your trailer, and have your own authority. Then,and only then, can you call your own shots.

So, Colonial Freight may be jacking you around, but you may be contributing to the problem. You can see the problem when you supposedly buy a truck AND the same company you are buying it from also does the bookkeeping.

Do they have total control or what? And how much control do you have?

Words of wisdom from Jimmy.

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