Children in the truck on the road

by Teresa
(Dunlap Tn)

My grandson's father drives a big truck for a company in Tennessee and we just found out that he takes our grandson with him on the road short hauls and long.

Is it against the law for him to do this and would the company insurance cover my grandson if something should happen.

My grandson is 10 years old.

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Jun 16, 2014
RE: Children on the road NEW
by: Jen

My husband is allowed to take our son, but he had to wait until he was 12. He still took him sometimes on short loads, but he would have gotten fired if the company he works for had found out. It is an insurance thing. Usually if you work for any type of company, they require you to have passenger permission to be on the truck and I believe there are usually age limits.

Jun 11, 2014
unauthorized passengers NEW
by: Anonymous

He must have permission from his company or it could be classified as having an unauthorized passenger. Mostly an insurance matter.

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