Challenged By The Road!

by Shannon
(Miami, fl)

Although I am not a wife my life is being challenged by the "Road". Just a short time ago someone was put in my life that I have long awaited for. In just a short time we grew extremely close.

Due to financial situations he had to take an 'Over The Road Job." I know that this will be a challenge but I am willing to try to survive this way of life "He's worth it"!!!!

I came to this site looking for support because I know this is going to be a challenge. I am open to anyone suggestions as to how the both of us can survive this new relationship while he's on the "Road"!


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Mar 25, 2014
Minimize the challeg using some of this info NEW
by: Hervy

Shannon the fact that you are seeking information to help over the challenges of the road is a good indication that you will overcome those challenges and the relationship will flourish.

Here is a page with some helpful tips, advice and insight that will assist you and your significant other.

Tips For Over the Road Relationships

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