CDL Driver opportunity on the road

by Gonzalez

I am a 30 year old male with a dream of becoming a Licensed C.D.L Driver. I currently possess a C.D.L Permit in NY. I would like to work on the road being that I am so close to obtaining my license but I have a past that can hold me back. Today I have a second chance in life with a passion to be on the road. My question: Is there an employer out there that hire ex-felons and if yes where should I look? I know this is a touching topic but someone must be out there with some truth.

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Oct 16, 2009
Past Felons
by: Eugene

This will depend on the type of felony or felonies you have and how far back they go. If you are on probation or parole the odds will be very much against you.

Also, with some trucking companies it will depend on you being able to obtain a T.W.I.C. card as alot of companies run the ports.

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