Can't pass cdl a testing after 2 tries

by Don
(Suwanee Georgia)

Ye I went to Day ls truck driving school and I got thru my in cab inspection but messed up twice in yard backing maneuvers at the dds. I am getting it but they have waited 9 days to give me 1 hour of driving before I have to wait another week to go in for the test meanwhile I am going broke near a breakdown.

I can t find anyone to give me just a few more hours to train in the yard I got the on the road down but I don t know if I will ever get there to test for it. Darn close but a million miles off.

What can I do this is too much. I will have to get a lousy job again and I will never get on the Road. Ye tell me not to quit I have heard that enough.

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Sep 15, 2016
Don't give up
by: Anonymous

It took me 5 tries to get past the maneuvers portion of the test. Each time I noticed how much I had improved. Don't give up. P.S. I'm a 5 ft 3 girl!

Sep 07, 2015
Keep trying to get practice
by: Hervy

Don there is no magic. Many people have stopped by here saying they tried more times than they could count and didn't pass the back.

However, they keep trying. With each attempt the small improvements eventually lead to them learning how to get it right.

Some people take a little longer than others. Most of the time when it does take longer it is because the person is very nervous when trying.

Calm your mind and tell yourself that you can and will pick it up prior to you practicing. Also, never say, "I can't get it" again. It feeds your subconscious mind. Instead say, "I am getting a little better each time." That's the truth and its sets you up for continued progress.
While putting you away from the idea of giving up.

Keep at it.

It seems though that you have had a crappy experience at the school. Talk to someone higher up about getting more time practicing backing than an hour a week.

Do some research (make calls) to other school and see how much backing time they give students who are having trouble. When you talk to the guy at your school, let him know that in researching online you found other school handled it this way....... and you were wondering if they could do anything similar.

The key is to not be nasty toward them but let them know that you are tech savvy and (in so many words) realize that they are not doing such a good job with providing you value or customer service.

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