Can I get Hazmat and pass background check with mental hospital history?

by John Bradley
(Lynchburg, Virginia)

Can I get my Hazmat license and do well on the Background check, even though I've been in a Mental hospital for 1 to 2 weeks?

If yes, how?

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Jul 11, 2016
Thank you! NEW
by: John Bradley

Thanks so much for replying so quickly! .. I think I'm going to go for it! (May the Lord Jesus Christ's "peace that surpasses all understanding" be with you and your family!-((quoted Promise from His Bible words)).

I really did need a quick reply..! Bless you friend

Jul 11, 2016
Good question... NEW
by: Anonymous

I have Hazmat, TWIC, TSA and a Passport.

Never been to a mental facility... not 'yet' anyway

All I know for sure is this{ the background TSA check is a triple-Federal background check...

TSA... the same dudes hangin at the airport that look like they could work at Walmart.. only without the smiley face

Tough to say what they flag and what they don't

I'm thinking "yes" just because... hauling HM could mean any number of things. For example, I can haul Explosives... but my companies insurance won't cover explosives or Poison gas.. and trust me when I say, we carry more insurance coverage than any other carrier I know of.

We went through hell and back to get it and we paid. Upside is, we haul freight for $4 a mile...

downside are the premiums..

and I don't like hauling explosives or poison gases anyway. Too much hassle. The convoy alone is enough to make you paranoid, which leads me back to my original assumption

I would vote "yes" they will flag it, but you may be able to carry a card that explains it...

I don't know. Mostly they are looking for anti-terrorism ploys... not mental instability, but then again, the two kind of go together. Doesnt mean you are not stable, Im not judging, Im just guessing at the logic behind the flagging of an individual

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