Can i get a job as a driver if I have felonies?

by mike
(texas city, tx)


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Jun 18, 2009
Will felonies keep me from trucking
by: Hervy

Mike you can get a job with a felony. When you start talking plural (felonies) your chances get a little slimmer.

However there is only one way to tell if there is a trucking company that will hire you and that is to make a lot of calls telling them what your felonies are and make sure you interject with explanations of how that was the past and you've changed.

Remember these people don't know you, the interaction with you is all they have to compare your record against.

Also remember, trucking companies as with any other company has company policies and guidlines to follow, no need to take it personal if they tell you that they can't hire with this or that on the record. These are the realities that we deal with.

(Of course you make encounter some people who makes it personal, disregard them)

The most important thing is to ask this question is an indication of the direction to be productive. Don't let rejection (you will get it) keep you from moving forward. There are hundreds of thousands of trucking companies.

Your going to have to think outside the box and take untraditional steps to increase your chances too. Stop at companies in or around your town and talk to the shipper, receivers, drivers, human resources heart to heart about your desire to drive and the obstacles you have before you and that you want their advice if you might be able to get hired as a driver.

This will not only give you insight on what you can expect with your specific record but you never know who these people are that you talk to or who they know or their background. They may have been where you are and feel you so much that they connect you with someone to help you.

Visit this page about trucking for felons, you might want to give the companies here a try since they are claiming they have opportunities for felons. (Those are the keywords they are using for their advertising campaign)

trucking jobs for felons

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