can i drive a truck if i dropped out of high school.


i never was good in school and dropped out and now me and a friend want to do over the road driving and i was wondering if i could get a job as a driver with out finishing high school.

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Dec 15, 2011
by: Anonymous

Dude the GED is so easy i am 38 years old and just told myself i am going to go take it and so what if i fail, i will study then retake. You don't have to retake the parts you pass.

Then call Stevens transport in Dallas they have a trucking school on site they will train you but you have to sign like a year contract saying you will work for them at lease a year to pay it all back which is payroll deducted.

Without that GED its getting even hard to work at even McDonalds if someone else has a GED. See without a high school diploma or GED it kinda shows your a quitter.

You used to be able to lie and say you had your GED but with internet and all the different back ground checks available, its easy to see who's lying and who's not.

Get the GED and good luck.

Dec 15, 2011
dropping out of high school
by: hervy

It's good that you are trying to do something productive. Sadly not having completed school will keep a lot of people from giving you a chance.

That's just a simple reality.

It is not impossible to get a trucking job without high school diploma or GED but it is getting harder and harder. you have to remember right now there are all kinds of people trying to get into trucking. You have a lot of competition for the job even though there is a shortage of drivers.

Call around and talk to companies yourself to see what they say.

What I hope you and your friend will do is get your GED. If you don't hear what you want from trucking companies, see if there is a Job Core program that teaches CDL class, logistics or transportation.

That will make up greatly for dropping out and you are sure to get a good job after going through a program like that.(800) 733-JOBS

Good luck,

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