Can i bring my 1 yr old daughter and non driving spouse with meat Werner Enterprises

I really want to bring them on the road with me when i graduate ait but i dont know if werner trucking will allow that, it would help me out pshycologically and emotionally and reduce stress but i dont want to lose out with a great company


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Jun 05, 2017
Werner Passenger Policy
by: Anonymous

From the Werner Website

Passenger Permits:

Many drivers enjoy having passengers ride with them. The Company also recognizes long periods away from home make it hard for drivers to spend as much time with their family as they would like.

The Company has no objection to carrying a passenger as long as the Company is protected from liability in case of an accident or injury. In order to protect the Company’s interests, all riders must be covered by accident or health insurance.

Drivers and passengers will also be required to consent to waiver and indemnity agreements. Please call a Driver Services Representative with any questions.

A rider’s passenger permit must be signed by a safety director and must be carried on the truck at all times.

May 27, 2017
Britton Transport
by: Anonymous

Britton Transport will let you take them and there's no fee. This is a free benefit. This company hires new cdl grads also.

Trucks are set up better than Werner and have Tripac APU. Some people think they only hire experienced drivers, but that's false information; they hire new cdl grads.

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