Can driver managers send questions or say hi on the qualcom for the truck driver to read?

Can driver managers communicate to the driver using the Qualcomm?

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Sep 14, 2013
by: Anonymous

yes if you go into the freeform setting under compose you can text the company anything.

May 10, 2013
by: Anonymous

Thanks for answering my question. It did happen with my husband and his ex driver manager, he told me she sent him a message saying hi and to let him know she was back at the company. It was just kind of hard to believe him, I just wanted to make sure. Thanks.

May 09, 2013
by: NickV

Yes they can send questions and any other information you need to know. As far as sending personal messages I wouldn't say it's never happened but highly unlikely.

Usually their day consists of staring at a screen making sure your load and about 20 others are where they are supposed to be, getting yelled at by drivers, and finding loads for probably the other 20 trucks under their watch.

Usually not the most chipper people to send you a nice message like hey how's your day going lol. I've been to about 3 companies with Qualcomm over 5 years and never received a message like that unless it was a fleet message which in that case it's going out to about 500 qualcomms.

It probably all comes down to ethics really. Hope this helps and stay safe out there

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