Can Concrete Mix company fire me?

by Jeff zamora
(Orange County , CA)

I'm a ready mix driver in CA, can my company fire me for getting an overweight ticket it's my first ever ticket by the way. I was 1,900 lbs overweight on my 2nd and 3rd axels ?

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Jan 07, 2023
California Trucking Companies Can Fire You For Any Reason
by: The Crazy Trucker

The country of California (lol, I know it's a state) can fire you for any reason with or without cause.

Unless they fire you for an illegal reason. For example firing you for retaliation for reporting them for a crime, safety issues, etc.

So overweight ticket especially if you were supposed to weigh it would be legit reason in the employers eyes to fire you.

If they kept you and something happened like an accident and you were driving, the lawyer would go back to that ticket and try to sue that company.

Not knowing the specifics about the situation, I'd say that is likely why they are firing you.

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