Can company demote driver based on insurance company?

I have a job as a power lineman. I had an unavoidable accident about a year ago turning over a bucket truck costing the company money.

Now I'm off workers comp and cleared for work. Upon my return, the company wants to demote me, change my job title where I'll make less.

They say it's because their insurance company won't let me drive a cdl truck. I was cited but was reduced to a non moving violation.
Could this be true? Thank you

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Sep 18, 2013
insurance NEW
by: Anonymous

ins.companies can and do refuse to cover certain individuals but it is usually after several violations. thats why you never just pay a ticket. get a lawyer and fight it or get it reduced to a non moving offense.i would say its your company and not the insurer. ask to see the notice from the ins. company where the say they wont insure you. probbably is none. your company is ticked off because you cost them some money. probabbly not their first claim and deffinetly wont be their last. just the cost of doing business.

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