can an o/o keep my paycheck for preventable accident

by billy
(los angeles)

Owner Operator in truckstop

Owner Operator in truckstop

I took a load @ the last minute to get ld 2 Atlanta from los angeles, during travel i pulled n2 trk stop tired of course, and i had a backing accident.

I exchanged info, took pics and all. after contacting the owner and advising him of situation he claims that he will have to with hold my pay to pay for insurance deductible. Can he do that under California labor law guidelines?

and to boot he didn't add me to insurance to drive for him. I think that's the real issue here but just asking.

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Jan 19, 2023
With holding NEW
by: Anonymous

No he can't with hold your pay, his insurance should cover that, and you had no say in the deductible that he chose, get all his info even his personal license plate number from his car and take it to the labor board, you'll get that money plus more if he's late paying. California is a peoples state they will get your moneh

Jan 19, 2023
Only One Way to Find Out For Sure
by: The Crazy Trucker

I don't know California law. I have heard of trucking companies holding money to pay for deductibles though.

Don't know if it was legal or not.

If I were you I would just call a lawyer and explain to him what happened and see what his/her feedback is.

Best of luck.

Trucking accident

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