can a trucking school hold my cdl for not signing a contract with them?

Can crst trucking company hold my cdl lic for not signing a contract with them?.

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Jun 30, 2011
Dont make sense
by: NickV

If you didnt sign a contract then they cant hold anything from you. Sounds like to me you DID sign a contract and breached that contract and now want your cake and eat it too. You can pay off the contract. But still if you have your license in your pocket there is nothing they can do to "take it." As mentioned before they can maybe mess with your d.a.c to where companies wont want to mess with you cause your "untrustworthy" cause you couldnt stay with CRST for the 8 months to finish the contract. But as far as NOT signing any contract, they wouldnt have put you through training without a contract. If you managed to squeak by without signing a contract, which I doubt happened, then your free and clear.

Jun 30, 2011
by: Anonymous

Well if it was me Iwold go through a local community college before i would sign a contract with any company because they have you until you pay them back and if you quit they will put it against your dac report. stay away from these companies.

Jun 30, 2011
CDL being held hostage.
by: Jimmy

I assume you already have your CDL, right ? If so, that means it's in your wallet. If it's in your wallet, how can they "hold" it ? Now, if you are talking about going thru their truck school for training and only have your permit currently and are ready to test and they won't let you unless you sign a contract, then in reality you do not have a CDL for them to "hold". If that's the case, go to a 3rd party truck school, rent a truck for your test (about $150) and test and then get your CDL. Then be done with CRST and move on. Jimmy

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