can a truck driver take a leave of absense and go to drug rehab

by rick
(houston, tx.)

Can a cdl driver go to rehab without getting fired? Perfect driving record with no violations but wanting to go voluntarily to rehab but not sure if that would be reported if taking a leave of absence.

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Apr 28, 2011
take a leave of absense to go to drug rehab
by: Hervy

Well, Rick I don't know the answer to your question yet but I will be asking and if you find out before I come back and post the answer please let us know.

I know one thing, It is a very commendable thing to realize the need and want to get the help. In fact with a few attempts you might be about to kick it without rehab with that level of awareness if the will, determination and resistance to the effects of withdrawal are strong enough. (And the withdrawal for you is light enough, I suppose)

In any case, congratulations on knowing that you want to make that change.

Like I said if you find the answer to that before I do please post it here so that we all know next time.


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