Can a driver's wife ride along, but not drive?

by Jim Walker
(Cave Creek, AZ 85331)

A Small Rig

A Small Rig

We are interested in getting into driving together. But my wife is not interested in driving herself. She likes the road and does a great job of supporting me while I drive.

She keeps us healthy, on course, and alert. So we want to learn if there are opportunities for us to be together in a truck, with me driving commercially.

We are researching the pros and cons of truck driving. One factor that seems to cause problems and end driving careers is the husband out driving while the wife stays at home.

Our objective to be out driving on a full time basis, together. We think that this avoids problems for us and gives a company the prospect of a driver who will stay on for a while.

A company would be paying a solo driver and getting the benefit of a supported driver.

So can a wife ride along as a passenger? Do company regulations and insurance restrictions get in the way? Is this idea already an established practice?

Thank you for your help.
Response: Most companies love to here this Jim. Basically for the reasons that you stated.

However, as a new driver it would be a while before she is able to ride. The time frame will vary from company to company. It could be a few months or more before she can ride with you.

Some companies don't even allow it until you have a year or more experience.

But, you should not have a problem find one that not only allows it but encourages it.

I think you two might have a blast!

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Aug 19, 2012
by: Lindsey

There are so many bigger companies out there that offer schooling and then after an extended period of time they will let you have a rider. Our company only accepts you if you have already been threw schooling.

I am sorry, let us know if you have had any luck.

Aug 19, 2012
by: Lindsey

I do know there are lots of big trucking companies that offer schooling and after an extended training period and a few months of solo driving you could have your spouse with you. Our company is a great company but they will only take you with schooling.

I am so sorry I dont have any other advice. I hope you have found some help. Let us know.

Aug 19, 2012
by: Lindsey

I do know there are lots of big trucking companies that offer schooling and after an extended training period and a few months of solo driving you could have your spouse with you.

Our company is a great company but they will only take you with schooling. I am so sorry I dont have any other advice. I hope you have found some help. Let us know.

Aug 03, 2012
More has been revealed
by: Jim Walker

Thanks for saying something. My wife and I went to an interview (sales pitch) at a driving school yesterday. The school has extern placement relationships with four trucking companies. One of these has a "Rider and Pet Program." The achool lady we were talking to didn't blink when we explained what we are looking for. She thinks that this company will give a green light as soon as they see me as ready to drive on my own. BTW, the name of the company is the same phonetically *(in German) as the the name of a bottling company that offers a very gingery ginger ale.

Yes, I know that many who I talk to are trying to get fees for training me and to get a fresh-meat driver. But then, few relationships are truly altruistic anyway. It is looking more like a selection of the right source of training rather than whether to do it in the first place.

And I will this opportunity to expand a little here on our idea of "travel with purpose." Last summer we pulled a very, very small travel trailer to Alaska with a 1995 Toyota Tacoma with a 4 cylinder engine. Our dogs, a Great Pyrenees, 100 pounds, and Akbash, 77 pounds, went along. We planned to volunteer at a national wildlife preserve, but that fell through. So we spent two months hosting a hostel 40 miles out of Anchorage. It was great. We enjoyed an entire summer in Alaska at minimum cost. We saw and learned more than the people who spent thousands of dollars. We sold the trailer in Alaska so that we could afford to take the ferry back from Whittier, AK to Bellingham, WA.

In the fall, we spent two months in Spain. Three weeks of that was as guests of two English language schools, Pueblo Ingles and Vaughan Systems. They put us up at luxury resorts and we spent the time talking with Spaniards, helping them to improve their English. We spent nothing, lived very well, and met delightful people. We were backpackers in the south of Spain the rest of the time. We know how to travel cheap and that is the best way to meet people and have incredible adventures.

So now we want to see more of our own country. I am from Arizona. My wife is from Ontario. Our Akbash dog already has seen more of North America than the next 299 people you will see in WalMart. And she is a better traveler than they are too. We think that we can offer a trucking company a wonderful opportunity.

"Mama Hated Diesels" syndrome will not be a problem because nobody will be left at home. We are seasoned travelers who know how to work as a team on the road to stay healthy and happy. Casinos and lot lizards are not a consideration. We don't smoke, drink, do drugs, gamble, or chase fancy women. We will be open to going anywhere and staying out for extended periods of time.

Somewhere there must be a trucking company who has use for us. Please let us know if you know anything about that company. Thanks.

Aug 01, 2012
by: Jim Walker

It sounds like our plan is possible. We appreciate your help. We are happy to pay for insurance. We have traveled well in a much smaller space. And we do communicate. Our goal is for her to be in a truck with me within a year of completing training. Enjoy the ride.

Jul 31, 2012
wife can ride
by: TruckersWife-Lindsey

Your wife can most certainly ride with you. I ride with my husband, he drives, I don't. The company we work for only had me wait a month after orientation to ride with him, but my husband has been driving for ten years. It will vary by the company. I also had to sign a rider policy and they take a small amount out of his paycheck each month for the rider insurance. Not to hard, you do have a small space for the two of you to share, so communication is must! I hope this helps!!! Any questions just ask.

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