Can a company deny you training because of a 5 year old battery charge?

by Phil
(Wausau wi)

In 2007 I was convicted of misdemeanor battery and disorderly conduct. Served 30 days in jail and that was it. I need CDL training and cant afford the schools. Every company I talk to that will train says that has to be 10 years old. Is that true?

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Nov 27, 2011
Denial of service
by: Hervy

Phil unfortunately 10 yr time frames for some charges are common among carriers. For more than one reason but mostly insurance and I am sure sometimes simply as a precaution.

For have a battery charge. You and trainer get into it. You beat him up. He sues the company for putting you in the truck with him, knowing you have a history of that.

Now is that fair? Is it smart to protect themselves?
Do they know you? Do they know if you have changed? Do they even no the story of what happened when you got the charge? Of course not. They also don't know you or if you have changed or if the charge was legit. They only know what they see and they know that if you beat up their trainer (customer, or anyone else) they will more than likely get sued.

This is the type of thinking that goes on with everything we do now because of the society we now live in. It makes things tougher for everyone in many different situations.

I said all of that just to tell YOU.....not to take these closed doors personal.

Now....I think if you keep looking, there may be some companies that will hire you even if they won't foot the bill to train you.

If you can find a community college close enough to travel to, it may be a lot cheaper than a private trucking school.

Good luck my Phil.

Keep your head up, 5yrs is another common time frame that companies use, so you will be able to find something if you keep looking.

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