Broker meets & marries a driver !

by crystal
(Owenton ,ky)

I met my husband in 2008 while he was hauling military loads for me on a regular basis out of state.

It was a crazy whirlwind of a relationship as we were both unhappily married at the time but we really hit it off and dated on and off till January of 2009 when we both decided to divorce our spouses to be together and finally were married in 2011 are relationship has never been anything close to normal.

I LOVE TRUCKING without a doubt and it has helped so much that we have all of this in common with one another and understand each others jobs very well.

There are times i am able to spend weeks with him in the truck and there are times he is gone and I miss the hell out of him but I understand its just who he is and I wouldn’t want to change him for anything but at the same time it is really hard being away from the person you love and alone day after day after day so I totally understand how women feel and trust is a very hard thing to do with just a phone .........

I would say communication plays a big part in having an honest& trusting relationship so if you don't have that ladies you are really wasting your time...........the saying "once a cheat always a cheat" SO TRUE ...I LIVE BY IT !

Hope this little bit of info helps because i have way more to say then i have the typing space for lol

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Mar 17, 2013
thank you very much ! NEW
by: broker

thank you

Mar 17, 2013
Broker meets & marries a driver NEW
by: Anonymous

congratulations on your happiness.

Mar 13, 2013
your concern..... NEW
by: Anonymous

no name to go with the comment or statement ? Kind of nasty remark for this site ....well well i guess it takes all kinds ,,,,,,, no we were both married but seperated since it was such a concern of yours ....I was thinking this was a site to be honest and help others ......?

Mar 13, 2013
once a cheat always a cheat? NEW
by: Anonymous

Does this include you and your hubby? Sounds like you both cheated on your former spouses.

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